The first edition is here if you want to refresh your memory or introduce yourself to the concept: [url:1k3trtd7][/url:1k3trtd7]
From the episode preview, there might be a couple of guests too…
Anyone have a streaming link?? Dailymotion preferably
[quote="grindorth":1zyb3go8]Anyone have a streaming link?? Dailymotion preferably[/quote:1zyb3go8]
Pandora: [url:1zyb3go8][/url:1zyb3go8]
FC2 Video: [url:1zyb3go8][/url:1zyb3go8]
Don’t know about Dailymotion, any Japanese variety show uploaded there tends to get removed rather quickly from my experience.
Great episode. I liked how they kept the turns short and there were more spontaneous situtations.
Aww man that part with Hamada on the karaoke had me dying LOL
[quote="1-800-ZOM-BIES":1wlc29mx]Aww man that part with Hamada on the karaoke had me dying LOL[/quote:1wlc29mx]
Literally thought I’d die of laughter when it started changing his voice. Haven’t laughed so much in Gaki for quite some time now!