Episode #1293 2016.02.21 - Jimmy Onishi 24 Hour Interview P2

Continuing on from last week, we see the second half of Jimmy Onishi’s 24 hour interview.



ジミー大西 24時間ロングインタビュー!! (後編)

Thanks Ernie! Much appreciated.

Thank you very much. :D

Here are the subtitles, I was planning on finishing them sooner but something came up, sorry for the slight delay.

[quote="J-Lan":fp89q0y0]Here are the subtitles, I was planning on finishing them sooner but something came up, sorry for the slight delay.[/quote:fp89q0y0]

Wow, you’re very modest I think that was super fast and you did a fantastic job! Hope you’ll be up to subbing more Gaki in the future. I took a quick look through the file just for typos assuming you wanted corrections as the previous one. I could correct them before encoding a hardsub, but want to make sure first in case I’m mistaken, corrections in red:

[quote:fp89q0y0]Staff: That had more meaning than I though.
[color=#800000:fp89q0y0]That had more meaning than I thought.[/color:fp89q0y0]
Staff: What are you most grateful to Sanma-san?
[color=#800000:fp89q0y0]What are you most grateful to Sanma-san for?[/color:fp89q0y0]

Wonderful work! :hug: :hug: :hug:

[quote="soudou":uot3icur]I could correct them before encoding a hardsub, but want to make sure first in case I’m mistaken, corrections in red:[/quote:uot3icur]
Yes, please correct them. I noticed the second one but I forgot to change it.

[quote="J-Lan":1kae5mdq]Yes, please correct them. I noticed the second one but I forgot to change it.[/quote:1kae5mdq]

Okie dokie, here’s the uploads, thanks for the awesome subs! Again very funny episode. :rofl:

[url=http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x41zomo:1kae5mdq]Dailymotion Stream[/url:1kae5mdq]
[url=http://www.mediafire.com/download/55sy372ekkhi6vh/Gaki_no_Tsukai_%231293_%282016.02.21%29_-Jimmy_Onishi_Long_Interview%282%29.ass:1kae5mdq]Subfile Mirror on Mediafire[/url:1kae5mdq]

Also posted to Reddit again: https://www.reddit.com/r/GakiNoTsukai/c … _2_160221/

Awesome work translating these two episodes!

This was a really interesting (Jimmy’s decision to move to Spain to follow Picasso) and really funny (his daily ‘habits’) interview.