Episode #1309 2016.06.12 - Silent Library #6 pt2

This week concludes the 6th edition of Silent Library.



Part 2 & Impromptu Ghost Story Inn - Extra Ghost Stories
声を出さず バツに耐えろ サイレント図書館 (後編)
即興! 怪談噺 旅館 未公開怪談噺

Thank you !

To have the key to download we have to ask you ?

Thank you :inlove:

Thanks, ErnieYoung!

The part with the drone was pure hilarity. Though I gotta say, I would rather have seen more of the silent library stuff than the extras from the Impromptu Scary Stories show, especially with whatever happened to Azuma Mikihisa with that green powder, especially if it involved Egashira 2:50 in any way.

Azuma got destroyed, he got it like 6 times lol.

Thank you.

Thank you very much ErnieYoung. :rofl:

Thanks very much ErnieYoung!

Part 1 is finished typesetting/timing and is in translation by the way.

[quote="Thimble":1xk61sis]To have the key to download we have to ask you ?[/quote:1xk61sis]
Nope, you just download the ZIP under the image and then open the file inside the ZIP with Notepad.

[quote="soudou":1b6c76sz]Thanks very much ErnieYoung!

Part 1 is finished typesetting/timing and is in translation by the way.

[quote="Thimble":1b6c76sz]To have the key to download we have to ask you ?[/quote:1b6c76sz]
Nope, you just download the ZIP under the image and then open the file inside the ZIP with Notepad.[/quote:1b6c76sz]

Thank you :rofl:

Thanks Ernie for the upload, and thanks Soudou for the future subbed release, will you put it on dailymotion something like that?

If you don’t edit both episode together I think I will, there’s too much stuuf in both (the Euro part and the Inn stories) that need to go :)

This one was better I think, i lost it during the flowers edit hahahah. Any idea on what Yamazaki is stepping?

Could be wrong but I think the ghost stories are new content, I don’t think Housei had a story with 5 cards in it in the other episode? As the other ghost story episode got subbed / well-received it’ll probably be worth keeping it in.

If you don’t mind it only as a hardsub I can do a "new Silent Library punishments only" edit. Softsubs I’d have to mess with shifting timing. :whew:

It is a shame they had all the filler but I guess they can’t take as much physical abuse as they used to :rofl: Still amazing they brought back the series at all considering how punishing it is.

Yeah, MEGA and Dailymotion. Someday gonna try and get a VK account since Dailymotion is getting quicker on takedowns, but right now Dailymotion is all I’ve got.
Part 1 is typeset and in translation.

[hide:3i6qxcpy]Haha, Housei as the bride, of course. Funny how he kept the veil on for awhile after the fact. I think he was stepping on the kind of stones they put on climbing walls, or at least that's what it looked like.

That monkey really got fed up with Azuma! It was funny when they both got surprised by each other.

That drone was about as far from quiet as you can get![/hide:3i6qxcpy]

[quote="soudou":34doy5jp]Someday gonna try and get a VK account since Dailymotion is getting quicker on takedowns, but right now Dailymotion is all I’ve got.

It’s me huh009 =P I have a VK account and I don’t mind helping you upload stuff there. But first, I need to get back from my trip, and then I need double check that I remember the login xD

[quote="derekclwong":6qeqqpys]It’s me huh009 =P I have a VK account and I don’t mind helping you upload stuff there. But first, I need to get back from my trip, and then I need double check that I remember the login xD[/quote:6qeqqpys]

Thanks, that’s kind of you :)
I’m gonna see if I can get around the phone number thing to create an account so I don’t have to bug others, but if it doesn’t work out I’ll take you up on that. :bow:

Thank you Soudou !

It appears the "Gaki_160612_#1309_6th Silent Library (2).zip" is no longer a link. Any help with the decrypt key? THanks!

[quote="tyler928":1cfxr6bx]It appears the "Gaki_160612_#1309_6th Silent Library (2).zip" is no longer a link. Any help with the decrypt key? THanks![/quote:1cfxr6bx]

It’s still a link for me, make sure you’re logged in when you view it or maybe try a different browser.