Episode #1322 2016.09.18 - 3rd Rendezvous Game

Another Rendezvous Game for the gang to get through this week. Seems like the Japanese audience have taken well to this particular game. The usual rules apply: the five members are given a theme and must go a place that they associate best with that theme. Until all five are at the same place, the game does not end.



Thank you !
But when was the 2 1st episodes ? I can’t remember … :confused:

1st Rendezvous Game Part 1 - 2016.04.17
1st Rendezvous Game Part 2 - 2016.04.24
2nd Rendezvous Game - 2016.07.24

Part 1
第3回 5人の気持ちは揃うのか!? スマホなしで待ち合わせ~!! (前編)

Thank you. ErnieYoung

Thx ErnieYoung

Thank you very much. :D

Part 1? So I guess it was harder this time hehe, even though it’s just TV I always felt it was pretty easy for them… Toyo is the biggest city in the world, and even if they know each other, it would take forever, but well, it’s entertaining ! Thanks Ernie !