Episode #1331 2016.11.20 - Best 5 Cities Not Visited

Strange new segment this week. From a rough guess, the gang have to go to cities they have not traveled to before, ask around for information regarding the best points and features about the city and then come up with a best 5 ranking of those cities. They have to travel around on foot for this segment.



This sounds way different from their usual stuff- I’m really interested to see how this goes!

Part 1
行った事ない街でベスト5聞きましょ~!! (前編)

so many variety shows between Friday - Sunday.
thanks for all the uploads.

Very interesting, thank you very much. :rofl:

It’s good to see Hamada doing more nori tsukkomi these days - exploring the boundary between boke and tsukkomi, just as Matsumoto is doing.