I Just wanted to mention this episode on the site…
a dailymotion link:
[url=https://dai.ly/x5m8ssc:3pqm3lo2]Episode #1355 2017.05.14 - IKKO’s Calendar part.1[/url:3pqm3lo2]
I Just wanted to mention this episode on the site…
a dailymotion link:
[url=https://dai.ly/x5m8ssc:3pqm3lo2]Episode #1355 2017.05.14 - IKKO’s Calendar part.1[/url:3pqm3lo2]
Thank you sebas-chan!
Does anyone have a better version file? (Is ErnieYoung not uploading Gaki videos?)
Oh, so I think ErnieYoung is dealing with some IT issues.
Thank you as always though, ErnieYoung!
Anyone has a better quality file?
Thank you!
IKKOの抱かれたい男カレンダー (前編)