Episode #1597 (2022.03.20) Kiki Milk Tea

Series #43 (There is a consideration for BPO unlike before.)
この一口に命をかけろ 賞金10万円争奪! ききミルクティー!!

Aaaand they removed the batsu entirely. What’s next, are they going to ask Hamada to not hit Matsumoto on the head?
Such a big L for japanese TV.

Thanks Ernie!

Wow, yeah, when you realize how much of Downtown’s (and other comedians’) humor was physical in nature, the omission of batsu here really shows how censored Japanese television seems to have become. It was definitely cruel at times in the past, but this seems like an over exaggeration in the opposite direction.

Thank you very much ErnieYoung san.

It’s really sad to see that even Gaki isn’t immune to this stuff in spite of how much of an amazing legacy it has and how long running the show is. The people making these decisions are clueless, thankfully these kinds of things can be undone given time. I don’t know what the production schedule is like but given last weeks episode with the member masks, I could see that being the show expressing their dissatisfaction with all of this garbage. Turning the members into bizarre, eerie masks of their true selves.

Arigato ~ Ernie san hamada was funny :rofl:

I think it’s not because of BPO but because the executor shouts so loudly against the gaki members that it’s gone as a splash prevention measure.

Thanks Ernie san as always !
And I agree, censoring Gaki is such a pain in the ass, it’s almost like removing the soul of the show. No annual Batsu Games anymore and now no punishment at all in the regular episodes? Come on… Gaki has already been way less fun in the past few years in my opinion and I don’t see how censorship will help their case at all…