So im getting married in June and i’ve entered a competition to have the photographer do our wedding for free which would save me $1500. and even tho i hate facebook and hardly use it, i have to suck it up this week. so if you wouldn’t mind. all you have to do is log on to facebook. like the photographers page (link below). then click on the wedding package contestants and like my pic (its only between 5 couples). we are the retarded looking couple with cookies on our faces. yeah i know…i just couldn’t submit ur typical lame "couple" picture. the deadline is friday. so feel free to unlike his page after friday.
Hey guys, really a HUGE thanks for your words and votes. it really is making a difference. and apart from the competition, just shows how cool us gaki fans are. agin, my sincere thanks!!!
thx GR. also for the record, the explanation behind the cookie on face, its a game we played that nite. you place the cookie on your forehead, then u got to move your head to land the cookie in your mouth. if it falls u start over and place on forehead agin until u succeed. the person who does it first wins and loser receives batsu. the batsu that night was taking a shot of Noni juice. its the same batsu that Matsumoto and Gackt had to do on their ‘cant laugh’ competition. that stuff is horrible…i dont care how healthy or good it is for you, its absolutely terrible!!!
is it bad that i’m still not content??? i want to see blood! i want the other couples to feel like they’ve been chono-slapped and thai kicked at the same time for considering going against us. to quote Leonidus from the movie 300… "Give them nothing…but take away their EVERYTHING!!!"
we shall see. we got 24 more hours. i was looking at the comments of the couple in 2nd place. it appears they baked cookies and cupcakes yesterday to lure people and get them to vote. seems that it worked for them as they pulled in 100 votes quite quickly. so c’mon gaki crew! go the link below. you don’t even have to like his page at this point. just scroll down a little and click on 2013 WEDDING PACKAGE CONTESTANTS and "like" the picture the couple with the cookies on their faces! we can do this!