Hi, I’m looking for an episode of 新しい波24 (Atarashii nami 24) which aired on 5/30. Since it doesn’t look like it has big name comedians on it (Okamura of Nainai was there though) I don’t know if it’s obtainable. If I see a date/time for a rerun I can probably provide it if it’s needed so it can be recorded.
If it’s easier to make requests for upcoming shows, the ones that I’m interested in are:
6/3 おかべろ (Okarabero) - FULFILLED
6/6 Senzai nōryoku TEST 潜在能力テスト- FULFILLED
Oh, and if you can fulfill my requests, please let me know of your conditions. I would like to use the raw files for subtitling if I can (translators totally welcome…) so ultimately I will want to share it. By default I will credit where I get the RAW from, but if you want your name in the subbed video, or if your condition is my own personal viewing, I can accomodate that. More than anything, I just want these shows.
Thank you ^^