Finaly the Subtitles for Onsen 1

Click and drag the sub file to the video with VLC

Thanks 00Shin. Merci pour ton travail, GnT n’est pas assez connu du côté de la communauté francophone c’est dommage :(

Thanks ShadiHD, it works well with VLC, don’t have any problem :D

@Kanzaki: C’est vrai que c’est dommage que GnT ne soit pas très connue, pourtant toutes les personnes à qui je montre des vidéos de la GnT ne peuvent s’empêcher d’apprécier. J’espère que la GnT deviendra plus connue dans un futur proche :)

Thanks alot m8. Now its time to convet an hardsub them.Grab a beer and im off for tonight :)

thanks again:)

Merci Kanzaki, des émissions aussi hilarantes que Gaki no Tsukai avec une équipe pareille méritent d’être connus c’est vrai, en tout cas toutes les personnes à qui je les ai montré ont adoré. ^^

Thanks Kanzaki, hilarious shows like Gaki no Tsukai with such funny people in it deserve to be more famous that’s true, at least all the people I’ve shown the videos loved it. ^^

Thank you very much for the subs

Great job :clap: …Thanks a lot mate :)

my pleasure :)

Going to watch onsen with this full sub again! ^^ :bow: :bow:

edit: oh wait… i tought its onsen 2 (hamada, yamasaki and tanaka) full sub -.- Will you do that make full sub? There is tons of missing part…

I wish I could but I really don’t have that much free time :(

this isn’t the yugawara episode isn’t it? :(

[quote="ShadiHD":2ncgcpon]Ladies and gentlemen :D ,I’ve finished the total rendition of the Onsen Subtitles ,I don’t have much to say ,but I hope you all enjoy it :)

2sharred: [url:2ncgcpon][/url:2ncgcpon]

Megaupload: [url:2ncgcpon][/url:2ncgcpon]

Rapidshare: [url:2ncgcpon][/url:2ncgcpon]

Important note : I Really ,Really ,Really recommend watching it on Windows media player Classic[/quote:2ncgcpon]

you might wanna fix that rapidshare link, that said, thank you for subing this batsu game :D

Wasn’t this already subbed by someone else? Or is this a updated version?

The color coding is seriously nice Shadi

Thank you.

@zyniker =/

@JordansOcarina thanks man, my pleasure =]

Thanks for the sub!

I just want to say that the word 女将(okami > woman who manage an inn) is not the same than 狼(ookami > wolf)

aha, thanks for pointing that out ;)

Thanks for subbing =D


Thank you very much.

thanks you so much for this great work!
I appreciate it!