Fuun Takeshi Jo request

Hello ,
Would anybody be able get Fuun Takeshi Jo (aka Takeshi’s Castle) I think that they are being replayed on TBS in Japan at the moment. .http://www.tbs.co.jp/tbs-ch/item/v0001/#tab02

     Thank you. <!-- s:bow: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/emoticon-0139-bow.gif" alt=":bow:" title="Bow" /><!-- s:bow: -->  <!-- s:bow: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/emoticon-0139-bow.gif" alt=":bow:" title="Bow" /><!-- s:bow: -->  <!-- s:bow: --><img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/emoticon-0139-bow.gif" alt=":bow:" title="Bow" /><!-- s:bow: -->

hi, I don’t know what you mean with "get", if you want high quality links, I’m not;)
but at 360 or 480 theres a lot on youtube. ex:

https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCf-dCJ ... mKg/videos

(english version in this case)

Thanks sebas-chan,
I should have phrased it better, I would like to request if anybody can upload Fuun Takeshi Jo that is being replayed on the TBS network in Japan at the moment not the dubbed english version aka Takeshi’s Castle.
Sorry for any misunderstanding. Regards, Livnos.

Takeshi’s Castle 1986.07.25
[hide:oeqnubqw]風雲! たけし城 #10


[attachment=0:oeqnubqw]Takeshi's Castle 1986-07-25 [480p].zip[/attachment:oeqnubqw][/hide:oeqnubqw]

Takeshi’s Castle 1986.10.31
[hide:27hsukdk]風雲! たけし城 #20


[attachment=0:27hsukdk]Takeshi's Castle 1986-10-31 [480p].zip[/attachment:27hsukdk][/hide:27hsukdk]

Takeshi’s Castle 1986.11.07
[hide:3rt470kf]風雲! たけし城 #21


[attachment=0:3rt470kf]Takeshi's Castle 1986-11-07 [480p].zip[/attachment:3rt470kf][/hide:3rt470kf]

私は非常に、あなたが行っているものすべてに感謝どうもありがとうございました。 :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow: :bow:

Thanks to ErnieYoung this is incredibly hard or impossible to get online, if possible I would love to see more of this Kitano classic!

Takeshi’s Castle 1986.08.22
[hide:14op8w4p]風雲! たけし城 #12


[attachment=0:14op8w4p]Takeshi's Castle 1986-08-22 [480p].zip[/attachment:14op8w4p][/hide:14op8w4p]

Takeshi’s Castle 1986.09.05
[hide:2ensogp2]風雲! たけし城 #13


[attachment=0:2ensogp2]Takeshi's Castle 1986-09-05 [480p].zip[/attachment:2ensogp2][/hide:2ensogp2]

Takeshi’s Castle 1986.11.14
[hide:26e5yw9r]風雲! たけし城 #22


[attachment=0:26e5yw9r]Takeshi's Castle 1986-11-14 [480p].zip[/attachment:26e5yw9r][/hide:26e5yw9r]

Thank you very much, greatly appreciated. :bow: :bow: :bow:

Takeshi’s Castle 1986.11.21
[hide:3im6li5h]風雲! たけし城 #23


[attachment=0:3im6li5h]Takeshi's Castle 1986-11-21 [480p].zip[/attachment:3im6li5h][/hide:3im6li5h]

Greatly appreciated Ernie. :bow: :bow: :bow:

Takeshi’s Castle 1986.11.28
[hide:g2hns8h2]風雲! たけし城 #24


[attachment=0:g2hns8h2]Takeshi's Castle 1986-11-28 [480p].zip[/attachment:g2hns8h2][/hide:g2hns8h2]

Greatly appreciated ErnieYoung. :bow: :bow: :bow:

Takeshi’s Castle 1986.05.02
[hide:2gazydze]風雲! たけし城 #1


[attachment=0:2gazydze]Takeshi's Castle 1986-05-02 [480p].zip[/attachment:2gazydze][/hide:2gazydze]

Takeshi’s Castle 1986.05.09
[hide:2t3cpzrx]風雲! たけし城 #2


[attachment=0:2t3cpzrx]Takeshi's Castle 1986-05-09 [480p].zip[/attachment:2t3cpzrx][/hide:2t3cpzrx]

Thank you very much ErnieYoung. :bow: :bow: :bow:

Takeshi’s Castle 1986.05.16
[hide:v1gqye5z]風雲! たけし城 #3


[attachment=0:v1gqye5z]Takeshi's Castle 1986-05-16 [480p].zip[/attachment:v1gqye5z][/hide:v1gqye5z]