Gaki funny game contest

hey all…found this clip and was not sure whether the site already has this or not so just posted it here as im not sure as well where to put it…


feel free to move / remove if this was already posted… :)

link dosn’t work for me - pls check

Did you edit your post? it was working correctly earlier. Seems the ‘_’ is missing

Very funny, saw it a few years ago

Here it is:


p.s. minimally subbed

hmm…i didnt edit it…wonder why it suddenly stopped working…anyways tnx for editing jun…cheers :)

too funny! does anyone know what episode this is from?

Man this is the most messed uup thing I’ve ever seen!

just finished watching this at work… man it was so tough not to laugh out loud. i had to just cover my mouth as people walked by. there has to be another part where its shows the rest. thx for the vid!

it already removed T_T
any other link plz :drool:

Check out the Ass Game link in the Downtown section.

thanks, i’ll check it :flowers:

No prob, enjoy.

does anyone know where I can see this video I can’t find it

The YT link is dead