[url=http://www.multiupload.com/6KM5Q385FW:1bqwlc4n]Multiupload.com + Megaupload.com[/url:1bqwlc4n]
password: gaki-no-tsukai.com
thanks!! thanks to hand too!
at [url:4r621znd]http://moviemaga.blog20.fc2.com/blog-entry-11876.html[/url:4r621znd] this episode is identified as 山崎 昭和歌謡曲 ヒットパレード ("Yamasaki’s Shōwa era Popular Song Hit Parade") so I don’t think "5th Yamasaki Produce" is entirely correct.
In fact, the episode seems most similar to #1029 昭和の歌姫 山口百恵ヒストリー (Shōwa era songstress Yamaguchi Moe History)
Is there any more to this than I’m aware of?
Still-- it’s a nice 山崎 episode. Always appreciated.
hand !!!
where is ur usual MU link
downloads added.
It’s always funny how "unfunny" Yamasaki is and the crew reaction about his acts.
Thanks for the upload.
I reiterate my belief that this episode should not be considered part of the "Yamasaki Producer" series, but it is enjoyable nontheless.
I’ve been researching some the the music from the episode, and pleased to find all of it real.
Here’s a photo comparison between an actual 45" single cover and Yamasaki’s モノマネ.
This song (Uso by Nakajo Kiyoshi) is available here:
Here’s another comparison from Yamasaki’s parody of the フィンガー5 (Finger5) song 恋のダイヤル6700 which you can view here:[video:1lkayj2o]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xmicbFtt17E[/video:1lkayj2o]
This song is fun but very silly, andt Yamasaki’s parody is great.
– 27.08.2011, 20:39 –
Another comparison. This time, 他人の関係 by 金井克子(Tanin no Kankei by Kanai Kachiko?)
The original version of the song is here, and it’s really great:
And a little less impressive recreation:
The song, 赤い風船 (Red Balloon) by is available here:
– 27.08.2011, 20:51 –
Even more:
宮崎美子 (Miyazaki Miko) in what appears to be a Minolta commercial available Here:
– 27.08.2011, 21:22 –
More, more, more:
The song 赤道小町ドキ (Akadokomachi Dokii) by 山下久美子 (Yamashita Kumiko)
The song isn’t bad (a little New Wave) and is available in many places, like here:
But I can’t find a video which matches Yamasaki’s parody (with the bikini top.) The best I can do is this image comparison:
– 27.08.2011, 21:45 –
Yet more:
– 27.08.2011, 21:57 –
Seiko Matsuda’s Daite, closing the episode is, in my opinion, Japanese popular music, Shōwa or otherwise, at its lugubrious worst:
– 27.08.2011, 22:11 –
– 27.08.2011, 22:25 –
– 27.08.2011, 22:35 –
Couldn’t leave this out. "Sexual Violet No.1" by 桑名正博 (Masahiro Kuwana)
I’ve added the research I did above, plus quite a bit more about this episode here:
http://mygakiblog.blogspot.com/2011/08/ ... -1068.htmlAs is clearly evident, this is one of my favorite episodes so far.
One of the best episode that I’ve seen so far!
Thank you for sharing it with us.
Also, thank you on_three for your explanations. They make this show way more understandable!
Yeah, from a gaijin that knows showa music pretty well, it’s great that yamazaki is bringing it back.
My favorite movie is "Taiyou wo nusunda otoko (太陽を盗んだ男) and it is one hell of a showa flick.