If you really have the urge to learn Japanese, there are some methods which’ll spare you some time.
Firstly, you’ll need this sweet little program [url=http://ankisrs.net/:18w6taqx]Anki[/url:18w6taqx]. Get accustomed with it, you’ll use it the next years, if you really have the wish to study Japanese.
The following suggestions are in heavy use of mnemonics, hence you should get accustomed to it. With this method you’ll need like 3 hours for each alphabet.
First use this one [url=http://www.scribd.com/doc/26677027/Remembering-the-Kana-Part-1-2-Hiragana-Katakana:18w6taqx]Remembering the Kana[/url:18w6taqx].
After you’ve learned it, follow the next step:
Buy this book [url=http://www.amazon.co.uk/Remembering-Kanji-Volume-Complete-Characters/dp/0824835921/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1333616896&sr=8-1:18w6taqx]RTK 1.[/url:18w6taqx]
Or use this website/in combination [url=http://kanji.koohii.com/:18w6taqx]Kanji Koohii[/url:18w6taqx].
Now you’re probably asking "What the hell is this!?". It’s mnemonics combined with Kanji. Each Kanji has one or more Radicals, which is used to build up a Kanji. There are about 230~ of these little bastards.
Example given : The Kanji for one is just one stroke = [b:18w6taqx]一[/b:18w6taqx]. If you memorize this one stroke, you’ve memorized one radical, which is used in further process to build up more Kanji. I call it the lego-system(not trademarked). Quite easy, isn’t it?
Now let’s say you want to learn this Kanji 鬱, which is "gloom/depression". How the hell are you supposed to memorize this heap of gloomness(yeah, pun)? It’s easy, right? [i:18w6taqx]You shouldn’t learn it right now. Japanese brats do this, but it’s [b:18w6taqx]inefficient[/b:18w6taqx] as hell.[/i:18w6taqx] You’re not going to learn it at all, because you don’t know the radicals which are : [i:18w6taqx]冖凵匕彡木缶[/i:18w6taqx]. That’s where the book comes in handy, because [i:18w6taqx]you’re learning the most easy radicals, build up every Kanji (of the Jouyou Kanji of course), which is possible to build up with the available radicals you have[/i:18w6taqx].
E.g.: They learn the Kanji for Flower, which is 花 in the first grade. Again, how the hell should you build up this Kanji, if you don’t know the 化匕艾 radicals at all. See where I’m going?
With this method you’re not learning the readings, but if you want to read Japanese (as you stated above in the thread) you should learn with this method. It’s easier, and you’re not going to need 9 years before mastering the Joyou Kanji. Finishing this course will at least take you 1 month, assumed you’ll learn every day on an 8 hour basis. If you don’t have much time, and learn a few hours a day, it’ll take at least 3 months.
Now, you’ve finished the 2200 Kanji, what next? Tae Kim’s =>
[url=http://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/complete:18w6taqx]Complete Guide[/url:18w6taqx]
[url=http://www.guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar:18w6taqx]Grammar Guide[/url:18w6taqx]
That’s the next step you should take. On the fly you’re gathering the grammar, and readings of some quite often used Kanji. This course will take about a few weeks, up to a few months, depending on your sole determination and urge to master this language.
So, what next?
Right now, you’ll have some space, after following strict guidelines. Go watch some J-Dramas, Animes or Gaki no Tsukai with Japanese subtitles. Listen to every phrase they say, use Anki as your memorization weapon, learn the Kanji, etc,etc,etc… Here are few sites which go deeply into this matter :
http://www.alljapaneseallthetime.com/bl ... tences-why
This ajatt guy learned Japanese in 2 years, but was in his studies very obsessive.
http://www.tofugu.com/2011/06/10/studyi ... ma-how-to/
and so on…
Up to this point you should be well armed, but there is one more thing, this thought of yours is disturbing me. You’re [b:18w6taqx]not[/b:18w6taqx] going to learn Japanese in a few Months, let alone read the Gaki no Tsukai subtitles. I don’t want to demoralize you in any way, but you should see this on a realistic scale. Learning Japanese isn’t difficult, or hard how everyone presumes. But it’ll take a large amount of your time, your fighting spirita HUZAAA! and change your life respectively. I’m saying this because I’ve had my up and downs, and I’m not your average stupid person. I think every people has a great potential, but my weakness is that I’m loosing motivation. Again, if you really have the urge to master Japanese, learn how not to give up, and steadily be determined. This should do it for now.
If there are any questions, I’ll try to take my time, and answer them accordingly.
ps.: Maybe someone could sticky this, there are quite a bunch of folks in here, who want to learn Japanese