Hamada "Unthinkable!" Trial Part 3 with English subtitles is available here:
http://jburogu-godzillaradio.blogspot.c ... amada.html[img:2ns1rxj1]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-0c9VpEEBAgk/Ui5zE3U_LNI/AAAAAAAACLY/Q7gjsw8JAB8/s400/hama.png[/img:2ns1rxj1]
Hamada "Unthinkable!" Trial Part 3 with English subtitles is available here:
http://jburogu-godzillaradio.blogspot.c ... amada.html[img:2ns1rxj1]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-0c9VpEEBAgk/Ui5zE3U_LNI/AAAAAAAACLY/Q7gjsw8JAB8/s400/hama.png[/img:2ns1rxj1]
Great job! I applaud you highly!
[quote="KazumaSanjaya":3sdw7jza]Great job! I applaud you highly! [/quote:3sdw7jza]
So do I!
@KazumaSanjaya: At least it’s done!
Thank you, sir.
Keep up the good work!
The free talk about sound effects was absolutely hilarious. The beginning was pretty usual, but I couldn’t stop laughing when Matsumoto gradually gave up the act, started becoming more and more humble and finally went full meta at the end. Hamada did pretty good comebacks near the middle, too.
The main part was pretty good, especially Hamada’s face around 8:33.