Highschool Batsu-Game [German Project]


Hey folks,
yesterday i startet to translate the Highschool Batsu into [b:bccekkn6]German[/b:bccekkn6].
I just passed the first half and im totally on fire :D

Its hard work, but its also funny.

[b:bccekkn6]First Step: [color=black:bccekkn6]Translation[/color:bccekkn6] = [color=limegreen:bccekkn6]75%[/color:bccekkn6] [/b:bccekkn6]

[b:bccekkn6]Second Step: [color=black:bccekkn6]Bring colour to the subs[/color:bccekkn6] = [color=orange:bccekkn6]45%[/color:bccekkn6] [/b:bccekkn6]

[b:bccekkn6]Third Step: [color=black:bccekkn6]Quality Check[/color:bccekkn6] = [color=red:bccekkn6]0%[/color:bccekkn6] [/b:bccekkn6]

[b:bccekkn6]WIP Screens:[/b:bccekkn6]



You know it will take some time. Im doing this all on my own.


It looks to be good work, but still it only works for those who can understand german (I can’t )

I believe you are a good subber so it might be a good thing to also focus on subbing stuff with english subs so there are more people who can watch it :)

Still good job man !

[b:1sk4qzii]“Too many cooks spoil the broth.”[/b:1sk4qzii]

Theres no need for more englisch subbers.
The only batsu left that needs to be subbed is the hotel batsu and ShibataBread is making a very good job on it.

I think there are enogh english subbers out there.

Its time to raise the audience with mutlilanguage subs :)

Good job! I guess that the german version will be finished before the english one from sutekidayo :P great work i can´t wait for it :)

PS: Hoffentlich machst du deine sache gut ^^ xD

I think he’s using sutekidayos already ;)

Hey, i also sub the Gaki Videos. And yep, also in german :)

If you want, we can work together =)

Work is going well :)
Finished ~75% of translation and added colour + new font.

New “[b:2cahsoaq]Work in Progress[/b:2cahsoaq]” Screens:






-Completly new Fonts
-Fixed some translations
-Removed all broadcast-comments of the boys to focus just on the batsu-game itself

wow vielen dank!

ich freue mich schon darauf die jungs endlich auf deutsch lesen zu können! :D

Quick question, are you subbing the longer version or the one shorter one that was aired on tv?
If you’re subbing the longer one it is missing a few parts in english so this would help complete that version too.

wie weit bist du denn schon? =) und wann wird es fertig sein?

when will you be done with it?

any updates?