Homemade GnT like stuff?

I’ve always wanted to do a no laughing game or silent library or whatever with my friends but never got round to doing it xD
has anyone had any good ideas or has anyone actually pulled it off? it would be really funny if they got it on camera haha :)

You’re gonna have to pull off a no laughing game cause some people got ya beat on the silent library one unfortunately.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fUIVzP8WKsM http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sbSzEr3P ... re=related

We’ve been planning to pull a 24h batsu game with my friends. Mostly for our own fun but I’ll be sure to post the stuff in youtube if we manage to actually do the thing :) Also any other homemade stuff or good ideas for a homemade batsu game would be appreciated!

Short of doing it in public places in front of a live and unexpecting audience…I can’t think of anything throughly original. Good luck with the 24hrs part of that!!

[quote="wingslats":so6zc0uy]Short of doing it in public places in front of a live and unexpecting audience…I can’t think of anything throughly original. Good luck with the 24hrs part of that!![/quote:so6zc0uy]

I’ve played silent library with my friends.