Hotel Man Sub Files

Thanks a lot, for the great work.

Great job, and tyvm!!!

But I do have a question.
I dunno if this is my players fault or anything, but, some parts are missing, like when they were discussing the black list, the talk wasnt translated , only the thingy in the left corner was translated, for example Matsumoto Hitoshi Information :blink:

and every time they would put that window where their next action was explained , im only seeing that translation on mah monitor, not the talk, and it happens quite often, atleast to me :blink:

Thats all folks…

thank you so much for the subs! :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot guys for your hard work, I apreciate it!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

i have a problem with the sub file :(
i use windows 7 with and shark007 codecs
but the sub files can’t be loaded XD
the vid and sub file already have a same name.
anyone have the same prob with me? :(

great man thnx

Great work guys, amazing! :D

I only had problems with the subs for the second disk.
Try downloading Splash Lite, it will load the subs, but unfortunately it won’t use the colors and font, just plain white and black stroke.

Also, I use Vista, not 7. But maybe it’ll work.

VLC seems to dislike the format .ass

does anyone know who that first singer was?? i rather like her voice and would enjoy getting some of her music.

@ sarutobi
i just try splash lite. yes, it can load the subtitle file, but when there’s a text subtitle, the video goes black T_T. then after the sub is gone, it’s normal again >.<

but thanks :D

after i uninstall shark codec and install k lite codec, it work perfectly now XD
thanks a lot :stuck_out_tongue:

ty sir :D

To the guys with problems: Just download Windows Media Classic, and ensure that the .ass files share the same name with the video that they have the subtitles for. Just load the videos up in WMC, and viola!

Thanks for the subs, these are fantastic :)

Thank you for the subs! ^,^

Thanks for the sub.

Thank You, nice job :clap:

I can’t download anything… I wonder what’s the problem…

god thank you

I love your work

Thank you! :)

Thanks for using time on this, have been looking forward to watch it with subs for a while now.

thank you very much guys! you rock! :clap: :clap: :clap: