IMPORTANT: about my video links

It’s a great lost for us all but thank you so much for all you’ve contributed to this community.
Please enjoy your own life and do not let those haters on the internet affect you.

After weeks of monotonous work, I came back to download episodes that are waiting for download. This is just sad.

Ernie thank you for the years of work you have done for us. Thanks to you I could follow Downtown’s stuff but now… I want to scream.

I think deleting all the episodes is a bit overreaction. We as a community lost too much with that.

It’s a way to make sure the problem never happens again.
Because no one can guarantee my future.

This is beyond belief. There are community ‘‘members’’ on here who moan about not being able to download videos which somebody else decided to offer for free while giving shallow thank yous and lamenting the status of the community. Talk about entitlement and being actual LOSERS. (you deserve not being able to download so how about that? :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: )

They are a just a moaning minority, Ernie-san! Thank you again for your work and sharing. :bow:

We cannot let one ungrateful leecher to ruin everything in this way.
Is there a way to create a separate group of only those who agree with Ernie’s way of uploading and respect Ernie’s wishes?
Honestly it’s Ernie’s upload so it’s his way or the highway. I don’t understand how one can be such an ungrateful asshole to not only disrespect the uploader and openly disagreeing with their request to not share the links.

Enough of this bullshit of “oh, if you want to be safe why don’t you upload via tor etc”, it’s not about being safe, it’s about respecting the wishes of the uploader. It’s their upload, it’s their wishes. Very simple internet etiquette that people so easily forget.

Well that’s your choice and you gave so much to the community, at least you not disapear !

Thanks a lot for all your hard work through thoses years :clap:

I hope you will post SASUKE 2022

Hi Ernie,

I have come back after a couple years and am sad to hear that people are still not respecting your rules/wishes as a provider. It is a shame some bad eggs have to ruin it for all of us. Thank you for all your work for all these years. Words cannot express how kind you have been in sharing videos, uploading requests, reuploading links for everyone and anyone who asks. I believe I said it before years ago when you talked about people who don’t follow your rules and I can’t believe I have to say it again-- I cannot believe how people can’t do something so simple as to acknowledge the request of the video provider!! What is wrong with people?!

Like others have said, we understand and it’s OK to rest. Thank you again.

Thank you Ayaka-san. :slight_smile:

Grazie per tutto il lavoro svolto fino ad ora un caro saluto da Giorgio!

Oh ok,
so that seems kind of over
Many thanks to the people still providings links

And a huge “thank you” to you Ernie for all your sharing throughout the years !

A few years ago, a close friend of mine was filmed while visiting Japan, and this forum was the only place I was able to find a copy of the episode he appeared in. Being able to watch it, and share it with my friend, was a real joy and a privilege.

I am so sorry to see such a priceless contributor as ErnieYoung forced to withdraw his efforts from the community due to others’ poor attitudes and behaviour. Ernie, thank you so much for the happiness you gifted me and so many others over the years. I logged in just to share my thanks.

Thank you very much for all your contribution throughout the years!