I recently stumbled upon some Japanese movies…And well since I have seen every other movies on the english side of the planet, must turn to the other one, but I don’t know any.
I saw
Azumi 1 and 2 Which was great, a bit ehh, but well funny to me, but awesome movie…
Ran Wasn’t that good too serious for me, but a good movie never the less…
Ichi Was good aswell.
Umm let’s see I can only remember these that I’ve seen via Film 4 here in the UK…
[b:1nat9wkf]Kamikaze Girls (2004)[/b:1nat9wkf] - Two very different people come together, a lolita fashion addict and a "yanki" gang member.
[b:1nat9wkf]Love Exposure (2008) [/b:1nat9wkf]- A very surreal film where a guy who has a strict priest for a father decides he’ll have to commit real sins to please his father in confession, he becomes skilled at taking "stealth upskirt shots" and is somehow dragged into contact with a dangerous cult. There are many many more things in the film though, it’s 4 hours long (originally 6 hours but they were forced to cut it down ).
Umm yeah, memory not too good, If you don’t mind other Asian cinema stuff not from Japan though here’s a couple directors:
[b:1nat9wkf]Park Chan-wook’s films - Korean[/b:1nat9wkf]
[b:1nat9wkf]I’m a Cyborg, But That’s OK (2006)[/b:1nat9wkf] - Awesome and unique tale set in an asylum with interesting characters. A quirky heartwarming story.
[b:1nat9wkf]OldBoy (2003) -[/b:1nat9wkf] A very gripping film, but also very brutal… A guy is randomly kidnapped and locked in a room for 15 years then let out suddenly without explanation. Whilst desperately trying to find an answer and seek vengeance he’s led down a murky trail of conspiracies.
[b:1nat9wkf]Stephen Chow’s films - Chinese[/b:1nat9wkf]
Crazy comedies with wild choreography peppered with special effects. [b:1nat9wkf]Shaolin Soccer, Kung Fu Hustle, CJ7 [/b:1nat9wkf]are the ones I’ve seen. Kung Fu Hustle is my favourite out of them. CJ7 has a different tone.
I really liked "Summer Time Machine Blues". It’s a comedy about friends in a college sci-fi club and neighboring photography club who unexpectedly find a time machine in their room.
[quote="DoubleLC":14by5sui]I second Battle Royale. What type of movies do you like? Seems like action so perhaps Crows Zero 1/2 and umm Zatoichi?[/quote:14by5sui]
I have heard of Battle Royale kinda scared of it seems lame, but yeah I guess I will have to watch it since everyone seem to like it.
I’m kinda action, comedy guy as long as it isn’t overly too slow or compleatly stupid like Scary movie ,but then again I have seen The Sunset Limited which is two guys talking in a room…So as long as it is good…
[quote="WildStyle":vficifdw]I have heard of Battle Royale kinda scared of it seems lame, but yeah I guess I will have to watch it since everyone seem to like it.[/quote:vficifdw]
You heard terribly bad. Is not that kind of movie… Is based in a novel from 1999 that shock the entire japanese society. You must watch it and make your own opinion.
If you like the action stuff, [b:vficifdw]Shinobi[/b:vficifdw] is an excellent movie, I really like that one. And for comedy, the last one I saw was "Cyborg Girl" (2008) was pretty pretty funny
Too tired and too bussy to do that. You just ask for movies and we recommend movies, not to discuss about films and read your comments about it. You must be grateful for the people who reply you and that’s all
[quote="soudou":2uho1i5u][quote="WildStyle*":2uho1i5u]Watched Kamikaze Girls (2004) That was rather good movie, I liked it.[/quote:2uho1i5u]
Glad you enjoyed it Pretty surreal and funny yet touching at the same time.[/quote:2uho1i5u]
Yeah I really like goofyness I guess
Also just now Watched Shinobi So sad in the middle of it was kinda funny, but then it got very serious and heavy…Nevertheless I loved it!
[quote="Fengson":2uho1i5u]Anyone watched "That’s Cunning" (史上最大作弊戰爭) ?
It’s a Japanese comedy, really funny [/quote:2uho1i5u]
I don’t think I have.
There was a rather stupid thailand comedy called kongsi? One of them movies you kinda don’t want to watch, but then end up enjoying it.
Also survive style 5+ Man Japanese know how to make comedies
Funky forest was kinda ehh, but still pretty good.
Kamikaze Girls is a good film i remember seeing it on Film4 when it first aired here in the UK.
I would recommended the following
Crows Zero
Crows Zero II
Be A Man! Samurai School
Cromartie High School / Itao pops up in it
Raise The Castle!
700 Days of Battle: Us vs. the Police
Linda Linda Linda
Detroit Metal City
Ping Pong