Kathy Tsukamoto PLEASE!


These cooking show segments have seemed to disappear does anyone know if any episodes are still available?

[url:9w0f2igv]http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xly628_cathy-tsukamoto-1_fun?start=6[/url:9w0f2igv] there’s 4 or 5 episodes there (not sure) they’re all subbed!

Great Thank You! Any idea about where to download at? ;)

I don’t know… But you can download aTubeCatcher and get them from Dailymotion if you want :)

There’s one here that hasn’t been subbed yet

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5xhpo ... gossou_fun

Would be great if someone could do it 8)

yes please someone take on the challenge … and Kathy showed such a beautiful dress and well! :rofl:

I try to capture all at Dailymotion but was unsuccessful which these are about as rare of episodes as one could hope for, any other suggestions!


More cooking fun with Kathy … does anyone know the orgin of this sketch?






The origin?? I don’t know…but what I do know, is that Matsumoto once said that when he do "Kathy", he change…and the character was taking control of himself. He stop doing it because he got scared. Weird, huh??

[quote="Arlekin":1gczfcc4]The origin?? I don’t know…but what I do know, is that Matsumoto once said that when he do "Kathy", he change…and the character was taking control of himself. He stop doing it because he got scared. Weird, huh??[/quote:1gczfcc4]

Is that true?? :o :o :o

No dude…I just made up :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Of course is true amigo!! Arlekin never lies

[quote="Arlekin":3v1fkvzc]No dude…I just made up :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Of course is true amigo!! Arlekin never lies[/quote:3v1fkvzc]



I’m thinking that this Kathy Tsukamoto series was conceptualised as a parody of the cooking shows you often see on tv

Just how long did this sketch go on, as I keep finding more episodes :inlove:



Thank you [b:2yo7du1u]One Virgin[/b:2yo7du1u], I found a new favorite character by Matsumoto :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

[quote="Arlekin":1hjoqpe0]The origin?? I don’t know…but what I do know, is that Matsumoto once said that when he do "Kathy", he change…and the character was taking control of himself. He stop doing it because he got scared. Weird, huh??[/quote:1hjoqpe0]

Little old myth maker you :lol:

[quote="One Virgin":1inmo8i6]Little old myth maker you[/quote:1inmo8i6]

Me?? What I said is true. If you want to see it, find the "Matsumoto Professional" special and there you have it

[b:1inmo8i6]VideogameDC[/b:1inmo8i6] you don’t know this one yet!"???

Nope, I only knew Mr. Bater :rofl:

[quote="VideogameDC":2nibgghy]Thank you [b:2nibgghy]One Virgin[/b:2nibgghy], I found a new favorite character by Matsumoto :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:[/quote:2nibgghy]

Your welcome, I wished there were more subtitled but hey, hey, hey, Matsumoto sometimes does’nt needs words … just his expressions are enough to send me into uproarious laughter!