These cooking show segments have seemed to disappear does anyone know if any episodes are still available?
These cooking show segments have seemed to disappear does anyone know if any episodes are still available?
[url:9w0f2igv]http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xly628_cathy-tsukamoto-1_fun?start=6[/url:9w0f2igv] there’s 4 or 5 episodes there (not sure) they’re all subbed!
Great Thank You! Any idea about where to download at?
I don’t know… But you can download aTubeCatcher and get them from Dailymotion if you want
There’s one here that hasn’t been subbed yet
http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x5xhpo ... gossou_funWould be great if someone could do it
yes please someone take on the challenge … and Kathy showed such a beautiful dress and well!
I try to capture all at Dailymotion but was unsuccessful which these are about as rare of episodes as one could hope for, any other suggestions!
More cooking fun with Kathy … does anyone know the orgin of this sketch?
The origin?? I don’t know…but what I do know, is that Matsumoto once said that when he do "Kathy", he change…and the character was taking control of himself. He stop doing it because he got scared. Weird, huh??
[quote="Arlekin":1gczfcc4]The origin?? I don’t know…but what I do know, is that Matsumoto once said that when he do "Kathy", he change…and the character was taking control of himself. He stop doing it because he got scared. Weird, huh??[/quote:1gczfcc4]
Is that true??
No dude…I just made up Of course is true amigo!! Arlekin never lies
[quote="Arlekin":3v1fkvzc]No dude…I just made up Of course is true amigo!! Arlekin never lies[/quote:3v1fkvzc]
I’m thinking that this Kathy Tsukamoto series was conceptualised as a parody of the cooking shows you often see on tv
Just how long did this sketch go on, as I keep finding more episodes
Thank you [b:2yo7du1u]One Virgin[/b:2yo7du1u], I found a new favorite character by Matsumoto
[quote="Arlekin":1hjoqpe0]The origin?? I don’t know…but what I do know, is that Matsumoto once said that when he do "Kathy", he change…and the character was taking control of himself. He stop doing it because he got scared. Weird, huh??[/quote:1hjoqpe0]
Little old myth maker you …
[quote="One Virgin":1inmo8i6]Little old myth maker you[/quote:1inmo8i6]
Me?? What I said is true. If you want to see it, find the "Matsumoto Professional" special and there you have it
[b:1inmo8i6]VideogameDC[/b:1inmo8i6] you don’t know this one yet!"???
Nope, I only knew Mr. Bater
[quote="VideogameDC":2nibgghy]Thank you [b:2nibgghy]One Virgin[/b:2nibgghy], I found a new favorite character by Matsumoto [/quote:2nibgghy]
Your welcome, I wished there were more subtitled but hey, hey, hey, Matsumoto sometimes does’nt needs words … just his expressions are enough to send me into uproarious laughter!