HI, I think this episode of Lincoln could be the origin of the new show of Downtown "One hundred Seconds Dr. Academy"
#202 - 10.07.27 - "The world of one hundred seconds"
[list:fvdw1ld7][:fvdw1ld7][url=http://www.pandora.tv/my.k7778/40562022:fvdw1ld7](pandora link)[/url:fvdw1ld7] - [url=http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTk2Mzg4Njk2.html:fvdw1ld7](youku link)[/url:fvdw1ld7][/fvdw1ld7][/list:u:fvdw1ld7]
This - [b:d4uogils][url:d4uogils]http://downtownlaugh.blog76.fc2.com/blog-entry-13708.html[/url:d4uogils][/b:d4uogils] is pilot episode of
"100 Seconds Dr. Academy" aired 2013.06.23.
Watched it and didn’t leave much of an impression. Things like spider silk’s strenght and super cooling were already familiar to me and there wasn’t that much overall comedy.
It’s actually pretty hard to take this show seriously if you have seen Neon Genesis Evangelion. They keep playing intro of http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KTD8nWs4QjA every single time a theory is presented. And as if that wasn’t enough, they used another track (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3p5v7z-IN4), though at least that one fit the scene.
I could be wrong, but I get the impression that happens a lot on Japanese TV? I agree, I find that kinda thing takes me out of the show because I start thinking of the show/film the song was originally made for. Back after the Lemony Snicket’s A Series of Unfortunate Events film came out, I kept hearing the same track from the soundtrack of it on different shows here in the UK.
Evangelion seems popular still in Japan though so I guess they chose it because they think people will recognise it. There’s even a series (ロケみつブログ旅) with a girl cosplaying as Asuka Langley travelling across Japan and is currently going around Europe. They use the music and instead of on-screen subtitles they often do big white Kanji on a completely black screen (reminds me of a NGE pencil board I had once ).
Oh THAT’S the pilot. I watched that video a while ago and had no idea what it was. I thought it was a one-time special of a different show featuring Downtown as guests…
On the topic of replayed music, I can’t count the number of times Lincoln has featured music from Shadow of the Colossus, always right before a big reveal. But yeah, it does happen tons on Japanese TV. Didn’t they play part of a Linkin Park song during the 5 Rangers game? And some Gintama music. Basically if the editors think the music fits, they’ll use it regardless of copyright.