Hey, I’ve finished subbing an episode of Mecha-ike, with the help of Cyan1de.
Okamura joins the boy idol agency, Johhny’s Jr and performs in a SMAP concert.
This is a pretty ancient video from 1997, a time when SMAP was the biggest thing in Japanese showbiz.
Anyway, check it out if you’re interested.
http://jburogu-godzillaradio.blogspot.c ... eteru.html
Arigato GodzillaRadio!! You are the best!!! ![Bow :bow:]()
Sorry Godzilla, I don’t follow your blog on a regular basis but had I known you were looking for volunteer proofreaders, I would have given my name in an instant. I can’t stand grammatical errors, and have often thought about making a career of correcting subtitles. How many Bollywood or HK films have I seen where there is a fat budget and fairly good translating except for a few simple, throw away lines? Too many, that’s how many. It’s because translators shouldn’t check their own work. They do too much already, and the grammar needs to be checked (not worked), by a second eye. If I could make a living at it, I’d be on the next plane to Hong Kong, but in the meantime, please add me as a potential proofreader for English. I see you have three already, though.