This one is dialogue free. Or almost.
Still, very fun. Enjoy.
[b:11u7ul5k]password for the rar:[/b:11u7ul5k]
This one is dialogue free. Or almost.
Still, very fun. Enjoy.
[b:11u7ul5k]password for the rar:[/b:11u7ul5k]
Mother of sticker =))
I wonder if it’s an obsession; look like he’s having fun. Love this guy so much
another one! you, sir, are a sweetheart!
(thank you)
Matsumoto is a crazy man… oh yes…
Thank you so much for the MHK subs, Hidensetsu. There’s something about that show I really like about it but I don’t really know why. It’s just out there. I wish I could be part of Matsumoto’s brainstorming discussions. How does he come up with these gags? It feels like something that might have been done before, but I never seen it before! He’s always trying to push it a little bit more.
Matsumoto would be like:
"Umm… Let’s do something about OCD. OCD is funny but we’ll pick something obscure… Like labeling… You know some people have a weird compulsion to label everything: their containers, the office supplies, the label machine. It’s like they have a book full of labels ready… Umm… I think that will work."
Also noticed they started using a laugh reel. I hate laugh reels but it helps sketches so much. It’s like the audience needs a queue to know the punchlines. But I did laugh more
The [url=]Matsumoto Professional documentary[/url:9iuibacl] features a lot of the initial brain storming sessions and development of MHK, especially the Dynamic Portable Adventure skit that shibatabread subbed. I definitely recommend it if you’re curious about his brainstorming, Daitaro.