awhile back before skyrim came out I saw an hour long preview of skyrim, and the guys that were playing were talking about "this crazy mod called Morroblivion that adds morrowind with both expansions to oblivion" that blew my mind but I put off trying it because i was busy with stuff,but today I tried it out now and now I share with you.’ll add some of the files on mu beacuase some of the pages require you to sign up(i didn’t sgin up i found them somewhere else lol)
install Unofficial Oblivion Patch v3.2.0 first you don’t need to install anything else unless you have mods that associated with the unchecked boxes if not just go with the default
then install Unofficial Oblivion Patch v3_4_1 Upgrade and same as above the instructions on the site every download except for the patches and the 2gig download comes with a read me but they tell you what you what to do with the 2gig file