Need help~ ._. (Gaki no Tsukai)

[color=#FF40FF:1s4ea13x]Hi all~! ^^

So I was watching "Gaki no Tsukai Batsu Game Hospital" on a site over a period of time and it cut dead on part 25, since then I’ve been trying to find where I can watch it but most sites, even from links off of this site no longer work or have been removed. ;(

Other places that have shown promise don’t let me watch or download, end up with just adverts or are torrents which I am completely clueless about! T.T

I don’t come online much, but whenever I’m having a not so great time Gaki no Tsukai [b:1s4ea13x]always[/b:1s4ea13x] manages to make me laugh and lift my mood~ I was wondering if anyone here knows of anywhere I can continue watching the Hospital one or any of the other Gaki no Tsukai batsu games with English subs? Pleasepleasepleeaseeeeepreeeeeeeeezprettyplease?

Also if anyone knows of a place but is scared to post it in fear it will get removed preasee feel free to send me a Personal message with the top secret info~ I won’t tell anyone! :x

To all of those that made it this far through my post; Thank you greatly for your time~ ^[1]

  1. /color:1s4ea13x ↩︎

There are links on the stickies here:


If those are offline, you could also try zurui’s blog:

If none work… Then Probably the files are being uploaded somewhere else, but will be updated on these links.
Welcome to the forum. :) … 20HOSPITAL

and u can always check out my thread, look at my sig 8)

[color=#FF40FF:3abj9aom]Firstly thank you all for replying and your advice~! Free snugs and cookies for all~ ^^

[quote="Hidensetsu":3abj9aom]There are links on the stickies here:


If those are offline, you could also try zurui’s blog:

If none work… Then Probably the files are being uploaded somewhere else, but will be updated on these links.
Welcome to the forum. :)[/quote:3abj9aom]

Thankuu for the links and the lovely welcome~! The second one is the site I was refering to about the ads and it didn’t let me watch the Batsu games >.<

Your welcome.
Never forget Shibata, he’s awesome.

P.S: He has them on Veoh. So you might have to download the Veoh program or something to cross over the 5 mint limit it has.

Or you can check the the Batsu Section. Searchiedi Search~![/quote:3abj9aom]

Thankuu, I will check it out~ ^^

[quote="joker":3abj9aom]and u can always check out my thread, look at my sig 8)[/quote:3abj9aom]

I looked at your Topic before but I forgot to mention when I said I was completely clueless about torrents that I’m just totally clueless full stop. >.< I downloaded the file and it wouldn’t open so I decided to go to that link you put for external subs thinking it would work but then I couldn’t find the file to open the episodes, so I downloaded again and tried opening with VLC Media player but it didn’t let me either and I can’t find where the episode files went to even with searching. It’s a really helpful Topic and a million thanks for taking the time to make it, it’s jus’ me being too ditzy with it all. T.T[/color:3abj9aom]