I know people are concerned about these things but only stuff like SOPA etc gets much coverage, so I thought I’d bring it up. A day or two ago a new law was passed through Japanese government meaning people can go to prison for illegally downloading music, taking effect in October:
At this stage it only covers music and punishes downloaders, not uploaders. But as a result, you may see videos uploaded by Japanese peeps disappearing more often, voluntarily or taken down by the site/owners. You’ll notice that the penalties for uploading content are already hella harsh.
I honestly don’t like watching all this stuff without giving the creators some cash; I’m saving up for GnT DVDs for instance (that’s just my feelings, I’m not getting all patronising ‘screw you pirates’ on you, honest :I). That doesn’t stop heavy-handed laws like this from making me nervous…
Well… crap.
I agree with you, on the idea of supporting the creators. Specially of music.
But then again, with these shows that are broadcasted, I hope we can still find a way to make it work. Worst case scenario, depending on how tough these laws are, torrents are usually able to slip them past.
this is how video of gaki revolved around the world
Uploader from japan –> Hosting site outside of japan –>downloader outside of japan
which mean we are free from japan’s law, as u stated the law does not punish uploader
Not to mention that our sources of downloading are somehow different from Japanese sources.
Japanese downloading, as far as I know, relies on networks like Wine and Perfect Dark, while here we download mainly from torrent and/or direct hosting. I think that our uploaders, people like hand for example who mastered the art of getting raws, downloads them from Perfect Dark, then makes them available on "Western" networks (Although I never asked him if this is his exact procedure)
I really do hope pro-sharing parties in Japan show their concern and try to change the situation. A ban on music could very soon lead to a ban on every cultural production, including Gaki no Tsukai.