No-Laughing Treasure Hunter (2018/2019)

[quote="ErnieYoung":bl8bbojr]Part 1
[hide:bl8bbojr]絶対に笑ってはいけないトレジャーハンター24時 (1/3)!iQVzzQKT

Gaki_181231_No-Laughing Treasure Hunter [1-3].zip[/hide:bl8bbojr][/quote:bl8bbojr]

hey are there no subtitles for this? thank you for the download btw

Anyone know where a hard sub 1080p in English is?

Thanks Herny ;)

[quote="ErnieYoung":xevrogfv]Part 1
[hide:xevrogfv]絶対に笑ってはいけないトレジャーハンター24時 (1/3)!iQVzzQKT

Gaki_181231_No-Laughing Treasure Hunter [1-3].zip[/hide:xevrogfv][/quote:xevrogfv]

Thank you very much ErnieYoung could you send me zip file Please.

Thanks for the videos with subs and the quality!!!