絶対に笑ってはいけない青春ハイスクール24時 完全版 お見逃しも未公開も一挙大公開SP!!
Thank you very much Ernie san.
Ernie san itsumo arigatogozaimasu!!
Merci (thank you). I’m going to laugh more now. ^^
Thank you so much for sharing!!! Been looking for this clip for awhile!!!
Thank you very much ErnieYoung for your content.
How to get the key?
What’s the decryption key?
[quote="saammbautista":16a31tfx]What’s the decryption key?
[quote="ErnieYoung":16a31tfx][hide:16a31tfx]Gaki_200104_No-Laughing Youth High School Extra Footage SP.zip[/hide:16a31tfx][/quote:16a31tfx][/quote:16a31tfx]
Registered users (you) can find the key.
thanks very much
Hi Ernie. It says the key no longer works (Error message: 復号化キーが無効です)
As a result of confirming it, there was no problem.
Is the code you entered incorrect?
It should be. This is the only file I have had trouble with and I’ve been going through and DLing all your videoes since new years (thank you for posting raws. Your files are amazing since all the stuff I find have subs).
Aaand it worked! I have no idea why because I just compared the codes from my old key file and the new one and they are the exact same. Same program, same key, no difference when inputting into text comparison tools. I have no idea why it suddenly works now, but it does! You must have magicked it
Sorry for the trouble
@arespostale Was this possibly the same “bug” with the decryption key we found in 2020 in the Wednesday Downtown 2015.07.08 thread? If you don’t remember, how you enter the key (on the page vs in the URL) sometimes makes a difference in being able to access a file.