Obachan #3 passes away

RIP obachan, you were awesome!

I’m going to miss you Obachan!!!

omg R.I.P obachan!! <3 thank you so much for the laughs :(

Oh man, that sucks. :(… I honestly only remember this one from one skit though, but I loved it. The High School episode, where the two Obaachans are cops.

RIP Obaachan. :(

so sad… memories of her and the laughter she has brought to us will always live on…

RIP she was really funny i hope she makes all those angels in heaven laugh :sweat:

R.I.P. ;(

It was a pleasure to watch you make us all laugh. RIP [*]

OH my god… just noticed this topic…

She passes away in july?..

Rest in Peace, Obachan :(

rest in peace oba-chan, they will miss ur french kisses

I wonder why the Gaki no Tsukai team had that T-Shit with obachan #1 face’s on it at Batsu Game Press Conference!! 2011.12.25 ???

A sweet tribute to a great lady.

I wonder why the Gaki no Tsukai team had that T-Shit with obachan #1 face’s on it at Batsu Game Press Conference!! 2011.12.25 ???[/quote:bukhos4l]
They always wear those, even in the talk-only episodes.

I just knew about it now :( , it’s really unfortunate that obachan left us but from the bottom of my heart i thank you for all the laughs & joy you brought to our hearts.

a memrobale soul :bow:

oh man i never knew! she was really funny and i enjoyed her performances!

sad :( sad :( sad :( … thanks for the funny moments…you made as laughs

this is sad… :( RIP obachan

thats really sad and i just got my shirt with her on and all TT^TT
i enjoyed you in all the batsu games <3
RIP obaachan <3

This is horrible news, rest in peace oba-chan, she was my favorite out of all of them :(

Very sad news to hear