Hi ^^
I’m looking for two old gaki episodes…I’m not sure if it’s Gaki episode…I saw them on YT a while ago ^^"
In one episode, a Gaki member stays in a room for some time with animals (birds ?)
And in the other, they’re 4 or 5 guys alone in a car, and they listen sad songs until they cry ![Smile :)]()
I know, it’s a poor description, but if anyone can help me…Thank you !
hi angelpick !
i’m not sure if that’s what you search but ,it remind me the "Cocorico with chicken for a week" show here ,
part 1: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3pi53 … or-a-w_fun
part 2: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3pi6z … or-a-w_fun
part 3: http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3pi7l … or-a-w_fun
it’s thai dubbed
sorry for the other ,i don’t know
ps: hé hé ami du sud ,je te souhaite bon week end ![Hi There :hai:]()
Yes ! That’s it ! Thank you ![Very Happy :D]()
Now I’m looking for the Raw (=japanese) version XD ![Very Happy :D]()
Bon week-end à toi aussi, ami Sudiste ![Very Happy :D]()