【生け花】大ぶりで豪華な「しゃくやく」がテーマ。初登場の瀬川瑛子、武田久美子の他、前回最下位の柳ゆり菜が参戦。作品を査定し、手直しするのは假屋崎省吾先生。特待生・紫吹淳が昇格試験に挑戦 【俳句】俳句が趣味という辰巳□郎や、前回は最下位ながら夏井いつき先生に発想をほめられた犬山紙子、過去高評価の河合郁人が作品を発表する。昇級に伴いプレッシャーの高まる東国原英夫、藤本敏史の特待生二人が昇格試験に挑む。
has it aired yet???
Next episode runs on 1/12, 7pm.
It will be about Haiku.
Love this series also, watch a low quality stream on youtube around time of episodes airing but would really appreciate a high quality release
Purebato (Pressure Battle) 2018.02.22
Haiku & Food presentation
[hide:368hpbq0]プレバト才能ランキング 【俳句★盛り付け】
Oh my God, thank you SOOOO much, Ernie!! Do you also have the one from 2018.01.18 too? I missed both the last ones with Pon Murakami…
Either way, I’m very happy with this one. Thank you!
EDIT: For those who never watched, 5 celebrity contestants (usually) compete in a challenge to be ranked by a master/expert in that field. Usually the first half is for haiku and the second half will be flower arranging, painting, cooking, etc. When a challenger ranks 1st a number of times successively they eventually get to reach the Master level where they try to ascend to be the best of the best.
I have all Purebato episodes since 2017.01.05. And 2016.09.01 - 3 hour Special.
I’ll upload "2018.01.18" soon.
Purebato (Pressure Battle) 2018.01.18
Haiku & Watercolor painting
[hide:3btgia43]プレバト才能ランキング 【俳句★水彩画】
I started watching the 2018.02.22 P-battle and I stopped because this [url=https://twitter.com/Hikums/status/969009894203432960:1r89stoj]bgm sounded familiar[/url:1r89stoj] but I couldn’t put my finger on it. I searched for awhile and it FINALLY came to me that it’s from [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KJsn_C9rvIQ:1r89stoj]Mega Man 3’s Intro[/url:1r89stoj].
I’m so freaking stoked, considering P-battle previously used [url=https://twitter.com/Hikums/status/920348647677497344:1r89stoj]Mega Man 2’s Dr. Wily’s Stage 2 theme before.[/url:1r89stoj] (Actual song from the game [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=45&v=auQv90TfXrI:1r89stoj]here[/url:1r89stoj])
EDIT: I watched some more and [url=https://twitter.com/Hikums/status/969083295899136000:1r89stoj]this part w/ Robert’s Baba[/url:1r89stoj] is the [url=https://t.co/31ijESiwmj:1r89stoj]Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Professor Rowan’s theme[/url:1r89stoj].
Purebato (Pressure Battle) 2017.01.05 - 3HSP
Haiku & Japanese cuisine & Floral design & Watercolor painting
[hide:3q8p43mn]プレバト才能ランキング 【毒舌先生vsオールスター特待生★縁起モノ和食★水彩画】
Ohh, thank you, Ernie! I was just about to ask for this one because I noticed the video I bookmarked on dailymotion for this one no longer exists.
Purebato (Pressure Battle) 2017.01.26
Haiku & Pottery
[hide:pdi6xwek]プレバト才能ランキング 【毒舌先生が人気俳優に激怒★梅沢富美男が降格!?】
Uwaaa, thank you Ernie! I just finished watching all the ones with Hizashin off stream sites awhile back… I wish I had known to ask you about it before! It’s so good… He became meijin so quickly, with ups and downs.
Purebato (Pressure Battle) 2017.02.09
Haiku & Food presentation
[hide:35ttthdy]プレバト才能ランキング 【女性初の俳句特待生★ロバート馬場の盛り付け】
Purebato (Pressure Battle) 2017.03.09
Haiku & Floral design
[hide:i1ylhbfw]プレバト才能ランキング 【夏井先生&梅沢が絶賛する美人女優】
2017.03.09 is one of the best ones in my opinion. I love when Hama-chan smacks Ishida and Umezawa (too bad not Junior!) for Pon Murakami’s haiku… Thank you Ernie… !!
Purebato (Pressure Battle) 2017.06.22
Haiku & Food presentation
[hide:3i61xqfm]プレバト才能ランキング 【芦田愛菜が3日悩んだ俳句★盛り付け】
Thank you Ernie, for making it possible for me to see my favorite 名人
Purebato (Pressure Battle) 2017.06.29 - 2HSP
Haiku & Watercolor painting & Floral design
[hide:olffic8y]プレバト才能ランキング 【梅沢vs特待生8人★「天才」光宗薫が登場】
Purebato (Pressure Battle) 2017.07.20
Haiku & Floral design
[hide:1eelnwrv]プレバト才能ランキング 【新特待生が誕生★夏井先生がメッタ斬り】