Hey everyone,
Team Gaki is working on a new side-project, "Pikmin 3 Direct (featuring Matsumoto Hitoshi)".
In this Nintendo Direct, Matsumoto makes a huge cameo to play Pikmin 3 with Shigeru Miyamoto. Miyamoto is one of the most iconic figures in gaming, so to see Miyamoto next to such an iconic comedian makes for an excellent treat.
[b:tsvz4pow]For more details, please visit: http://www.teamgaki.com/pikmin3-announcement[/b:tsvz4pow]
KazumaSanjaya will be typesetting, and Lei (the latest addition to our team) will be translating.
[b:tsvz4pow]Typesetting: 20%
Translation: 0%[/b:tsvz4pow]
Jordan and the Team