Podcast by Japanese Comedians

I’ve started to listen to Sandwich Man’s Tohoku Damashii and wonder if anyone recommend podcasts by other Japanese comedians? Those are the ones I am planning to listen soon. I think Heipo was the guest on Cocorico podcast recently.

Cocorico: [url=http://www.allnightnippon.com/premium-cocorico/:1kc6g2du]Cocorico no All Night Nippon Premium[/url:1kc6g2du]
Banana Man: [url=https://www.tbsradio.jp/banana/:1kc6g2du]Banana Moon Gold[/url:1kc6g2du]
Ryota Yamazaki (Nankai Candies): [url=https://www.tbsradio.jp/fumou/:1kc6g2du]Fumou na Giron[/url:1kc6g2du]
OgiYahagi: [url=https://www.tbsradio.jp/megane/:1kc6g2du]Megane Biiki[/url:1kc6g2du]
Sandwich Man: [url=http://www.allnightnippon.com/program/sand/:1kc6g2du]Tohoku Damashii[/url:1kc6g2du]
Sanshiro: [url=http://www.allnightnippon.com/sanshiro/:1kc6g2du]Sanshiro no All Night Nippon Zero[/url:1kc6g2du]

Those are the ones I know of and listen to. Sanshiro’s runs late night in Japan, which is perfect timing in the day for me in my country. It also has ~live video~ and they have guests come on. I don’t listen to the others so I can’t compare, but Sanshiro talk about anything from who they hung out with recently and they also read letters/e-mails sent to them on air. If Komiya was on a Wednesday Downtown that aired that week, he might talk about it.

How do you like Sandwich Man’s? I want to listen to Banana Man because they tend to be high tension and very fun.

I like the Sandwich Man podcast. It’s usually around 15 mins, so it’s easy to listen to.
As the title of the podcast suggests, it is often related to Tohoku region and the tragedies of 3.11.
The most recent pod guest was Takahiro Ogata from Panther. His story about 3.11 experience was incredible.

Oh, that makes sense. Sandwich man would talk about that since they’re very involved in things like that. i’m pleased to know Panther’s Ogata would comment on it as well.

Well then, I don’t think Megane Biiki, Bananamoon nor Sanshiro would talk about serious issues. 15 minutes sounds doable. Sanshiro’s sessions seriously go for 3 hours about anything…

Can these podcasts be found on US Google play or do I have to manually download them or get the RSS and manually add to a podcast app???

Edit:after looking around you can’t do anything of what I asked and everything is region locked.

[quote="grindorth":2de6sx41]Can these podcasts be found on US Google play or do I have to manually download them or get the RSS and manually add to a podcast app???

Edit:after looking around you can’t do anything of what I asked and everything is region locked.[/quote:2de6sx41]

Where you at, my dude? Sanshiro’s is on LINE live along with many other radio channels here: https://live.line.me/channels/231
You can even watch backlogs.

[quote="grindorth":viwpt5tb]Can these podcasts be found on US Google play or do I have to manually download them or get the RSS and manually add to a podcast app???

Edit:after looking around you can’t do anything of what I asked and everything is region locked.[/quote:viwpt5tb]

For me it depends on podcasts - Sanshiro and Sandwich Man’s pod shows up when I search 東北魂(Tohoku damashii) or オールナイトニッポン (All Night Nippon) on Podcast app on my iPhone but the others don’t.

[quote="Ayaka":n8jsa3w8]and they also read letters/e-mails sent to them on air. [/quote:n8jsa3w8]

I bet Komiya would love your drawing of him!

[quote="Ayaka":2tn4ix2g][quote="grindorth":2tn4ix2g]Can these podcasts be found on US Google play or do I have to manually download them or get the RSS and manually add to a podcast app???

Edit:after looking around you can’t do anything of what I asked and everything is region locked.[/quote:2tn4ix2g]

Where you at, my dude? Sanshiro’s is on LINE live along with many other radio channels here: https://live.line.me/channels/231
You can even watch backlogs.[/quote:2tn4ix2g]
I tried getting the LINE live app but it seem that the live app is a plug in to the line app so I couldn’t use it also I’m in the USA so chances are that it might be region locked through the app as well.

[quote="KyuketsukiElite":39trm7cj][quote="Ayaka":39trm7cj]and they also read letters/e-mails sent to them on air. [/quote:39trm7cj]

I bet Komiya would love your drawing of him![/quote:39trm7cj]

omg hahah, awww, shucks, thanks dude!! Unfortunately I’m way too shy to even think about trying to send them anything, let alone on a radio show.

[quote="grindorth":39trm7cj]I tried getting the LINE live app but it seem that the live app is a plug in to the line app so I couldn’t use it also I’m in the USA so chances are that it might be region locked through the app as well.[/quote:39trm7cj]

I can watch it on my PC just fine without any apps. From the link I shared I just click on any channel I want to watch.

I’ve been following this English-language podcast conducted by Japanese comedians. There’s about four of them-- one is from Yoshimoto, one is from Maseki, two are from Sun Music. They’ll give you their background in the first episode way better than I can introduce them to you if you’re interested in checking them out.


The first episode imo is really interesting and I think I liked episode 10 after that.

Thank you very much Ayaka, I found the first episode interesting.