hi a week ago i nted to download some files in rapidshare shar and got an error messge download permision denied ,i asked a few people on forums if they could help me some told me another think some another but havent gaved me a specific answer to my problm all i wanna know id how to set up my rapidshare settings in order to downkload from others again if am in the wrong forum tell me who can help me .
i heard that rapidshare changed polocy that only uploaders can view their files and download tem that you had to ask for permision to the uploader .
but i stil belive that there is a way to get around this problem so i ask for you help in this.
can you help me to set up my rapidshare settings in order to download from others? rapidshare changed everything from public to privat.
i asked rapidshare and they iunformed me of the changes.