23 September 2013 09:48
Im searching one tv show, i dont have idea whick one is it. Maybe Lincoln, or not. But something like named "Feeling couple" You can see some scenes from here: 57:09
Do you know whick one is it? Would like to download it!
Hi, it’s from Lincoln.
That one in youtube are the eps #121 and #122 together. Summer games 2008.
They remember there the ep #104 . A special with the "feeling couple" part.
She is Mizusawa Aki. The same woman as in ep #084 . Matsumoto’s birthday.
She shows Matsumoto there the magazine with her photos that downtown find in a shop in ep #063 . Friendly with Fujii Takashi.
[url=]* LINCOLN - Episode list: 001-175*[/url:3pzeq8t2]
23 September 2013 13:18
Wow, just impressive! THANKS A LOT!