[i:3b2xvo93]Originally posted by Matsuri[/i:3b2xvo93]
[quote:3b2xvo93]Same here, I’m a big fan of the books and the old TV series starring Jeremy Brett so I didn’t enjoy the movie either. huh No offense to those who liked it, but I wonder if Guy Ritchie ever read one of the novels. [/quote:3b2xvo93]
I haven’t seen the movie sherlock holmes, but when i first saw previews for it. i was suprised it was a guy ritchie film cause his films have his signature all over them, kinda like tarantino films. but anyways, i heard mixed reviews about sherlock, so i passed on it. snatch and stock lock and 2 smokin barrels are superb!
[b:1b4ydous]Shutter Island[/b:1b4ydous] yesterday and [b:1b4ydous]Alice in Wonderland[/b:1b4ydous] a few hours ago. Both great movies but I would have to prefer Shutter Island. I love mental institutes.
I watched this on Sky Box Office, was so worth the money!
Quite a strange concept but it had an amazing story and cast!
Story - 5*
Cast - 5*
Idea - Original (Not sure if it was based on true story)
Overall rating (out of 10) - 9 (Could of had just a tiny more something in it)
The last 2 movies I watched were both very very weird
First I watched “Getting Any?” by Takeshi Kitano. I think it’s an awesome movie, and as you’d expect from Takeshi - It’s also very weird. Not all his movie are like this, but most of his movies are either very bizarre or very violent… and with a name like “Getting Any?” I didn’t expect it to be a bloody movie:P
The second movie I watched was “Cromartie High School”.
This movie was a bit too weird for me and Itao should have had more screen time!
[quote:2a4sk4vc][i:2a4sk4vc]Originally posted by Outlaws0023[/i:2a4sk4vc]
First I watched “Getting Any?” by Takeshi Kitano. I think it’s an awesome movie, and as you’d expect from Takeshi - It’s also very weird. Not all his movie are like this, but most of his movies are either very bizarre or very violent… and with a name like “Getting Any?” I didn’t expect it to be a bloody movie:P
I watched “Getting Any?” some days ago too, i had high expectations on it, but i dunno, it was somewhat early on his career, i didn’t like it much. You laugh on one or other parts but it dragged too long. Maybe if he did he’d time it different.
The last one i saw is also from Beat Takeshi, “Kids Return”. It is probably my favorite movie of his. Simple, but amazing. It’s the first movie he did after the accident so there’s some message in it too. 10/10
I’m planning on watching “Kids Return” too! I’m actually downloading it right now:)
Just watched “One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest”! Awesome movie!
Jack Nicholson is such a great actor and one of the few American actors I like!
I’ll give the movie 9/10
Should have been called “Journey of the guy who’s supposedly a half-god but is just like everybody else in his group, walking all over the place like Frodo with an occasional boring confrontation and equally boring fights, and an ending that was predictable from the start, yet still manages to make you feel disappointed with it”
Starts like a weird Teenager-Movie (and it is in some way) and become more and more violent, despite this you can imagine to be one of the chars (the old “good vs. bad”-thingy and characters like you and me). Good action scenes and actors. [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicolas_Cage:eeqm80az]Nicolas Cage[/url:eeqm80az] is a guarantor of quality
9/10 For Iron-Man 2. It wasn’t as good as the first one. But it doesn’t have to be. It’s like a movie without a need for a sequel if that comes out clear enough lol. To be hones though certain scenes weren’t really needed. I do have to say in the opening scene where Tony jumps out, they could of at least kept the one in the trailer where he talks to Pepper before jumping out, that would at least showed some kind of development between them and their relationship. And the last fight, which I will not explain due to spoiler issues. All I have to say is it could of been a bit longer.
Just watched “Be Sure to Share” or “Chanto Tsutaeru” in japanese.
It’s a drama about a young man caring for his dad who’s in the hospital with cancer.
The story is really really touching and the acting is superb - especially the female lead Ayumi Ito.
8/10 from me
Just last night I watched “The Butterfly Effect 2”. I give it a generous 1.
The acting was so bad that I had to laugh out loud. The first movie at least had it’s really good moments.
I’m a comic book fan (DC over Marvel most of the time), so I’ll rate an animated film that I recently watched.
Justice League: Crisis on Two Earths is actually very good. It’s based on an old comic book storyline where Evil versions of the Justice League (not like Bizarro) invades the regular universe. The art’s well done, and the voices are pretty spot on, even though they are not the same voice actors as the TV series Justice League ones.
I give it an 8.5 out of 10, and recommend this to all comic book fans.
Compared to Iron Man 1, more action; lots more action.
I was originally disappointed that Terrence Howard wouldn’t be back for the second movie and got replaced by Don Cheadle but I thought he did a great job.
Also if you guys and gals aren’t familiar with these type of movies (been happening a lot with these new action, comic book movies such as in the Incredible Hulk) watch through the ending credits, you get a nice surprise for a future movie.
after credits was a scene of the agent that was watching over iron man that was re-assigned to another area. shows the agent getting to that area which is a desert. theres a huge whole in the ground as if a meteor struck you could say. then shows a hammer next to it. the hammer of Thor.