Request: Cocorico Million Kazoku episodes

I’m trying to put together a definitive collection for the community, but I’m having a hard time tracking down episodes. So far, this is the list of episodes I’ve been able to source (anything less than 100mb is pretty awful quality) - if you have HD or good quality episodes that were taken from D-Addicts or the like, please PM/Mega me.

From my research on Japanese websites, I’ve come up with this list of episodes. There may be some gaps, and I’ve no idea how it’s possible to verify the existence of them now. Anything with "MISSING" means I’ve been unable to source it online.

2006-10-03SP *MISSING - Million Family (Pilot)
2006-11-07SP *MISSING - Million Large Family

2007-03-13 *MISSING - Million Dog
2007-05-01 (79mb)
2007-05-08 *MISSING - Sukibara Million
2007-05-22 *MISSING
2007-05-29 *MISSING
2007-06-19 *MISSING - Million Shadow Family
2007-07-17 *MISSING - Million Super Pool
2007-07-24 *MISSING
2007-07-31 *MISSING
2007-08-07 *MISSING
2007-08-14 *MISSING
2007-08-21 *MISSING
2007-09-04 *MISSING
2007-09-11 *MISSING
2007-09-18 *MISSING - Million School
2007-10-16 (207mb)
2007-10-23 (268mb)
2007-10-30 *MISSING - Million IQ5m
2007-11-06 *MISSING - Million Happy Birthday
2007-11-13 *MISSING
2007-11-27 Million Land (614mb)
2007-12-04 *MISSING
2007-12-11 *MISSING - Million Sentai Ranger
2007-12-18 *MISSING

2008-01-15 *MISSING - Million Ninja Kunoichi
2008-01-22 *MISSING
2008-01-29 *MISSING
2008-02-05 *MISSING - Million Getchu
2008-02-19 *MISSING
2008-03-04 *MISSING
2008-04-08 *MISSING - Million Forest
(2008-04-15 *MISSING - Million Jogakuen)
2008-04-29 (55mb)
2008-05-06 *MISSING
2008-05-13 (50mb)
2008-05-27 *MISSING
2008-06-03 *MISSING
2008-06-10 *MISSING
2008-06-24 *MISSING - Million Jones Island
2008-07-08 *MISSING
2008-07-15 *MISSING - Million Beach
2008-07-22 *MISSING
2008-07-29 *MISSING
2008-08-19 Million Horror Hospital (2.5gb)
2008-09-16 Million Shopping Princess (242mb)
2008-09-23 *MISSING
2008-10-21 *MISSING
2008-10-28 *MISSING
2008-11-04 *MISSING
2008-11-11 (161mb)
2008-11-25 Million Casino (387mb)
2008-12-09 (450mb)

2009-03-17SP Million Electronics Store (475mb)
2009-10-06SP Million Shopping Mall - (Subbed 2.5gb)
2009-10-26SP *MISSING

2010-08-24SP Million Village (562mb)

=57 Episodes (estimated)

(Updated: 2014-10-26)

I coudn’t find anything but the 2009 Special, where they go and hide in a shopping mall. You know, the one where Housei appears as a contestant.

[quote="VideogameDC":2uqeuv74]I coudn’t find anything but the 2009 Special, where they go and hide in a shopping mall. You know, the one where Housei appears as a contestant.[/quote:2uqeuv74]

That’s the only episode that’s been fansubbed as far as I can see.

There are about 7 episodes on Pandora that you can find by searching for "ココリコミリオン家族"

ココリコ= Cocorico
家族=Kazoku (Family)

Thanks Jhivesubs.

Turns out I was actually registered to that site and hadn’t been back in 2 years. I’ve added all the MK episodes to the list but only 4 are still being seeded after 6 (!) years since broadcast. Any upgrades gratefully received.


A playlist of some 2009 episodes but might have chinese subs: … l?sf=10100

There are a few episodes here I’ve not seen before but I’ve no idea how to rip from Youku these days - JDownloader no longer works and iSkysoft rips the ads.

Anyone have any ideas?

There is a topic for that here: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4667

I’ve found some more videos on a Chinese site and I’m trying to use to extract them. However, the d/l time is 5 hours! Not sure if this site is garbage/malware or something yet.

Current total of episodes found: 12

[quote="beesan":f3l6e7fa]I’ve found some more videos on a Chinese site and I’m trying to use to extract them. However, the d/l time is 5 hours! Not sure if this site is garbage/malware or something yet.

Current total of episodes found: 12[/quote:f3l6e7fa]

Try the video downloader. Works only with Internet Explorer and (I think) FireFox.

I really hope you can find the "2008-04-08 - Million Forest" episode. No prizes for guessing who appears in it ;)
The website for the show has info on it but you probably already knew that: ... 80408.html

The rest:

Here’s a few I could dig up:

07 11 27

09 10 06

10 08 24

I just saw the video [b:2xfzfj0o]soudou[/b:2xfzfj0o] uploaded (The Nov. 27, 2007 episode) and it seems incomplete, only being 4 minutes long! :^)

Maybe I’m missing something.

Yeah sadly. I was sure on google the running time was listed longer, I thought it was a full one. Episodes seem rare, complete or incomplete. :(

I’ve managed to source 14 episodes, including a couple in HD from a Korean site that I’d not seen before. Ripping time for one episode was 6 hours (and I have a very fast connection). Insanity.

I’ve scoured both Japanese and English websites and that seems to be it, sadly. The last episode is also particularly poignant as it features Miyu Uehara, a 24 year old idol who committed suicide 6 months later.