I’d like to request the Ametalk episode that was aired on 2012-12-30, Fat vs Scrawny Comedians (デブ芸人vsガリガリ芸人). The entire episode is 5 hours long but I’m only really interested in the first hour, which is the Fat vs Scrawny Comedians (デブ芸人vsガリガリ芸人) part.
Thank you!
ame ta-lk 2012.12.30 - 5HSP Part 1
Fat vs Scrawny Comedians
[attachment=0:sae1r8cz]ame ta-lk_121230_5HSP [1] Debu Geinin vs Garigari Geinin.zip[/attachment:sae1r8cz][/hide:sae1r8cz]
does the rest of the episodes continue with the subject or is it like every other SP were its a bunch of different subjects lumped into an SP???
[spoiler:p4bxl2kr]I'd like to see the rest if possible[/spoiler:p4bxl2kr]
Thank you so much to the GOAT ErnieYoung!
@ grindorth: It’s different subjects. 1: Fat vs Scrawny, 2: Tetsuko’s Room Awards, 3: Comedians Who Can’t Draw, Part 3, 4: Ametalk Awards 2012.