[share-online,Zippyshare] 5 Ranger 1-13 (all skits)

Reupload of the 5 Rangers skits, Episode 1-13
if there is a DL link somewhere else ,plz move my post there

password: gaki-no-tsukai.com

without password at zippyshare

Edit1: added mirror
Edit2: added zippyshare

why rapidshare T_T… mediafire pls :(

havent used mediafire much yet and rapidshare and share-online work fine for me. Just now Im uploading huge quantities to share-online, so maybe in 3-5 days when Im done I’ll also upload to mediafire(though the 200mb max filesize is annoying)

edit: I wont be using mediafire since the upload speed there is way too slow, while at other hosters its roughly 20-30 times faster

[b:3qg717af]Download all episodes from color=#d11e00:3qg717af[/color:3qg717af] :[/b:3qg717af]
