By ‘merchandise’ I would have never imagined he would have his own curry
How could it taste like?
What is the second item?
I feel so stupid
I thought iw was a food AND perhaps his underwear, haha!
Thanks man
[quote="Fengson":22avi0cl]I feel so stupid
I thought iw was a food AND perhaps his underwear, haha!
Thanks man [/quote:22avi0cl]
Now I’m imagining the product coming with a pair of Shin Onii’s curry stained underwear…
WTF!!! Ok. This made me laugh…A lot!!
Talking about gaki merchandise, NTV is selling socks of the regulars, but I don’t know why does means these numbers. Is there anyone who know the meaning of these numbers?
I think it’s their code name from Spy batsu game.
[quote="andylau-fr":s7nxsatt]I think it’s their code name from Spy batsu game.[/quote:s7nxsatt]
No it’s not their code name, but their passwords
From Wikipedia :
(セリフテロップの色) 第一印象 コードネーム パスワード パスワードの読み方 お仕置きを受けた回数
浜田(青■) 優秀クチビル スパイ ブサイク 723 なつみ(浜田の嫁の名前) 158回
松本(赤■) 敏腕おっさんスパイ 子煩悩 883 パパさん 186回
山崎(緑■) 脳ナシ ヘタレ スパイ 巻きグソ太郎 361 さむい 125回(タイキック、ビンタ1回)
遠藤(橙■) 男前バツイチ スパイ ド変態 168 いろは(遠藤の子供の名前) 123回(ビンタ1回)
田中(紫■) 頭脳派フケツ スパイ 直樹 931
パスワード : password
浜田 723
松本 883
山崎 361
遠藤 168
田中 931
[quote="atreyu_tiger":c9xxskqq]By ‘merchandise’ I would have never imagined he would have his own curry
How could it taste like? [/quote:c9xxskqq]
Just like any other Japanese curry, I imagine. I applaud the kitchiness and don’t blame fans for wanting to try this or collect it, but this has to be the sluttiest (cheapest) marketing campaign from the Gaki camp yet. Unless there’s a gimmick about Shin onii eating curry somewhere (maybe in the upcoming batsu?? I know it’s prison, but it could happen), this is a terrible waste of a marketing budget. It makes far better sense to put Cunning Takeyama’s face on there, if he’s even at NTV. At least he would fill out the pants, and has a connection to curry in his act.
[quote="Kippei-kun":3fyyj18o][quote="andylau-fr":3fyyj18o]I think it’s their code name from Spy batsu game.[/quote:3fyyj18o]
No it’s not their code name, but their passwords
From Wikipedia :
(セリフテロップの色) 第一印象 コードネーム パスワード パスワードの読み方 お仕置きを受けた回数
浜田(青■) 優秀クチビル スパイ ブサイク 723 なつみ(浜田の嫁の名前) 158回
松本(赤■) 敏腕おっさんスパイ 子煩悩 883 パパさん 186回
山崎(緑■) 脳ナシ ヘタレ スパイ 巻きグソ太郎 361 さむい 125回(タイキック、ビンタ1回)
遠藤(橙■) 男前バツイチ スパイ ド変態 168 いろは(遠藤の子供の名前) 123回(ビンタ1回)
田中(紫■) 頭脳派フケツ スパイ 直樹 931
パスワード : password
浜田 723
松本 883
山崎 361
遠藤 168
田中 931[/quote:3fyyj18o]
Cool! I like the wordplay/numberplay. The numbers can be read as words. This type of wordplay/numberplay can be found in other things like Manga too(such as katekyo hitman reborn)
723 - natsumi(Hamada’s wife’s name) from nana, two(tsu), mi
883 - papa-san
361 - samui(cold -> slang word meaning lame/unfunny joke) from san, mutsu, ichi
168 - iroha(name of Endo’s daughter) from ichi, roku, hachi
931 - kusai?(not sure on this one)
Kusai mean "Stink" I think.
Edit: oh you mean you not sure for the number.
I mean I’m not sure of the origin of the number