Part 2 of 2. As Hosei turns 46 he decides it’s time to look back on his life in a 24 hour interview. There is also a 5 minute talk at the end where the cast respond to the questions "What have you cried at?" and "What was first meeting Downtown like?"
[url=]>Part 1 here (subbed by DCSubs and YamasakiGifs)<[/url:2r2oolyh]
Translation: Mickstar813
Typesetting: YamasakiGIFs
Direct Download:
- [url=!ZAEGSZ7a!bIOCfaaG-A_zeAKZlfxhQj_y-HwCjVhggyuWQxIN4B8:2r2oolyh]Softsub[/url:2r2oolyh]
- [url=!GNVXFZCZ!1uuQ_CYiaXuKNY8kl-7IcUBIpSTYyyKYbaOqbEuLqUs:2r2oolyh]Raw (thanks to ErnieYoung)[/url:2r2oolyh]
- [url=!cdEjFQwZ!UT17Da06EB6AZK5UFVQzF3nUOzk0Fqw8IXDKtAkV5qk:2r2oolyh]Hardsub[/url:2r2oolyh]
- [url=]Dailymotion[/url:2r2oolyh]
[i:2r2oolyh]Edited and re-uploaded to fix a line (27/02/2016)[/i:2r2oolyh]