Hey, I’m in the process of subbing the first suberanai hanashi episode. Actually I’m basically finished but I’m stuck at the most fundamental stage. And that is…what the title would be in English.
Previously shibatabread had done a few of them and named them ‘Guaranteed funny stories’ or something like that but I was wondering if there might be any other better English words for that? I’ve tried but couldn’t think of anything so might as well try and use the hundreds of brains that visit this forum hey?
Well ‘Suberanai’ is the negative version of ‘Suberu’ which literally means to ‘slip’ or 'slide, but in comedic terms means that a joke fails to get laughs (think Yamazaki
). So ‘Suberanai’ is the opposite of that so it’s a something ‘that doesn’t fail to get laughs’.
…Hope that makes sense.
Another main reason for asking this is that Matsumoto regularly says "Suberan na~" which means "It ain’t slippin’ ". So I can’t really write, "Oh they’re guaranteed funny aren’t they~". Well I could but it seems awkward.
Anyway this message got long. Thanks for reading and also for if you have any suggestions to words that may be similar to this. ![Bow :bow:]()
Sounds to me that "doesn’t fail to" is a synonym of "guarantee". Is it not?
"Funny stories guaranteed"?
Hey GodzillaRadio. First of all, I want to thank you for subbin those clips.
I already visited your site and saw some clips. I have to admit, your translations, altough not 100% error-free
, are great.
"すべる" also means to "misspeak/to fluff", so basically it means "suberanai - not to misspeak" in this context.
In terms of the "Suberanai Hanashi" - just leave it at that. Some things just sound better in the original language
Hey thanks for your replies
[quote="al4bandi":2a136d89]Hey GodzillaRadio. First of all, I want to thank you for subbin those clips.
I already visited your site and saw some clips. I have to admit, your translations, altough not 100% error-free
, are great.
"すべる" also means to "misspeak/to fluff", so basically it means "suberanai - not to misspeak" in this context.
In terms of the "Suberanai Hanashi" - just leave it at that. Some things just sound better in the original language[/quote:2a136d89]
Haha yeah I’m not 100% error free unfortunately ![Sad :(]()
But then again, I don’t think I’ve ever seen subs that are.
You said that suberu could mean "Misspeak/ fluff" but I’m pretty sure that’s "Kamu".
I’ve never heard it used like that, unless my understanding of the English is wrong…
I agree with you about leaving the title as it is though. I just need to decide on what to have "すべらんな~" as, because it has kind of become like a catchphrase of the show. ![Thinking :?:]()
Well thanks for your help ![Rock :rock:]()
Maybe confused with the set phrase 口がすべる "slip of the tongue"?
How about a "turn on" (as opposed to "turn off")?
[quote="GodzillaRadio":1537gloi]Hey thanks for your replies
[quote="al4bandi":1537gloi]Hey GodzillaRadio. First of all, I want to thank you for subbin those clips.
I already visited your site and saw some clips. I have to admit, your translations, altough not 100% error-free
, are great.
"すべる" also means to "misspeak/to fluff", so basically it means "suberanai - not to misspeak" in this context.
In terms of the "Suberanai Hanashi" - just leave it at that. Some things just sound better in the original language[/quote:1537gloi]
Haha yeah I’m not 100% error free unfortunately ![Sad :(]()
But then again, I don’t think I’ve ever seen subs that are.
You said that suberu could mean "Misspeak/ fluff" but I’m pretty sure that’s "Kamu".
I’ve never heard it used like that, unless my understanding of the English is wrong…
I agree with you about leaving the title as it is though. I just need to decide on what to have "すべらんな~" as, because it has kind of become like a catchphrase of the show. ![Thinking :?:]()
Well thanks for your help
I’m not an expert in Japanese, I’m just looking up the dictionary
[url=http://jisho.org/words?jap=%E3%81%99%E3%81%B9%E3%82%8B&origin=suberanai&eng=&dict=edict:1537gloi][b:1537gloi]Denshi Jisho[/b:1537gloi][/url:1537gloi] says for すべる (same as wwwjdic)
1: to glide; to slide (e.g. on skis); to slip;
2: to fail (an examination); [b:1537gloi][u:1537gloi]to bomb (when telling a joke)[/u:1537gloi][/b:1537gloi];
3: to drop; to go down; to come down; to fall (e.g. in status)
[url=http://wadoku.de/index.jsp?search=search&ix=1326213856005&phrase=+%09%E3%81%99%E3%81%B9%E3%82%8B&search=suche:1537gloi][b:1537gloi]Wadoku[/b:1537gloi][/url:1537gloi] says
[1] rutschen; schlittern; gleiten; Eis laufen. [2] wegrutschen; ausrutschen; ausgleiten.
[b:1537gloi][u:1537gloi][3] sich versprechen; sich verschreiben. [/u:1537gloi][/b:1537gloi] -----> here’s what we search [url=http://dict.leo.org/ende?lp=ende&p=ziiQA&search=misspeak&trestr=0x8002:1537gloi][b:1537gloi]click me for translation[/b:1537gloi][/url:1537gloi]
[4] durch eine Prüfung fallen; bei einer Prüfung scheitern.
[5] wegrutschen. [6] abdanken.
Concerning the translation : I just wanted to mock you a little bit, translation wise it’s very well done, the only thing (yes, I’m rude
!) I personally would do different is choose another program for the font selection.
Every once in a while there are a little bit too many lines on the screen.
You should definitively try to work with Aegisub, it’ll even fasten the process of timing
Hope this’ll help you.
ps.: Try something like "Great Story" in that kind of manner for "すべらんな~"
Lol nah it’s not rude if it’s true~. People have pointed out mistakes to me several times before…
I have aegisub but usually can’t be bothered using it as you need to convert the video into avi first and that takes ages…
And also the ‘virtualdub’ which is the prgram most people use to encode it never seems to work for me. And being quite impatient with these things, couldn’t be bothered fiddling with it.
I’ve noticed that the text isn’t very good on the program I’m using either and yes, too much of it on the screen at a time sometimes! Sorry about that.
[quote="al4bandi":oh4auf74]I’m not an expert in Japanese, I’m just looking up the dictionary
Denshi Jisho says for すべる (same as wwwjdic)
1: to glide; to slide (e.g. on skis); to slip;
2: to fail (an examination); to bomb (when telling a joke);
3: to drop; to go down; to come down; to fall (e.g. in status)
Wadoku says
[1] rutschen; schlittern; gleiten; Eis laufen. [2] wegrutschen; ausrutschen; ausgleiten.
[3] sich versprechen; sich verschreiben. -----> here’s what we search click me for translation
[4] durch eine Prüfung fallen; bei einer Prüfung scheitern.
[5] wegrutschen. [6] abdanken.[/quote:oh4auf74]
Oh so it’s from German? Well maybe that has something to do with translating from Japanese -> German -> English because as I said before I’ve never heard it used as a misspeak or stutter kind of thing…and I’ve seen many of these shows. (Too much)
They use the work 噛む/かむ for that.
Oh, and the "Great Story" seems like a good idea. I think I’ll just use that hehe thanks
Aegisub doesn’t need to be AVI, you have just to set the filters/codecs correctly and it’ll work
[quote="al4bandi":15c78b9f]Aegisub doesn’t need to be AVI, you have just to set the filters/codecs correctly and it’ll work
My bad, it does ‘open’ flvs but the sound gets super slowed down. Do you know if there is a way to fix that? ![Sweating :sweat:]()