It will be replaced by a 6 hour long program. Source:
Thank you for the information.
Sad news
I just hope they will do some weekly batsus like they did in the past.
I wonder if it’ll be permanent or just this year. I kept reading the BPO will take measures against violent shows:
Translated says the following:
The reason for the suspension despite the strong viewership ratings is probably due to the fact that the Youth Committee of the BPO (Broadcasting Ethics and Program Improvement Organization) announced at the end of August that it will be deliberating on “variety shows that use painful things as objects of laughter.”
EDIT: I was informed that apparently the BPO thing doesn’t affect the No Laughing series, rather it’ll affect other shows.
Sad news, but maybe for the best. The past several year end batsu’s was a bit too predictable, and relied heavily on guest appearances, imo
Took from Reddit about what Mastumoto said about there being no Batsu this year on the Wide Na Show (Credit to translation to artins90)
This past summer on this program (Wide Na Show) they asked Matsumoto’s opinion on the announcement made by the BPO of being against comedy that involves pain and what would happen to the year end batsu since the punishment for laughing falls in this category, not to mention Hosei getting slapped every year.
Matsumoto gave an answer at the time but he already knew that this year’s batsu was not going to happen, he says that they begin planning the batsu around March-April each year and they had already decided not to go ahead since it didn’t look like the corona situation was going to improve by the end of the year.
Matsumoto is glad that they took this decision early, before the BPO made their announcement, he is glad that the staff doesn’t have to rush around at the last moment (the batsu takes months to plan and execute) trying to work around the BPO.
Matsumoto says that he is glad the batsu wasn’t shut down by the BPO but, more or less jokingly, he says that he will claim it was shut down by the BPO anyway (probably hates them).
He also adds that by now the cast’s butts look like rhino skin and he is glad for this chance so they can take some rest.
To conclude, Matsumoto makes it clear that this year the batsu is “suspended” and that whether or not there will be a batsu next year is yet to be decided.
I am pretty sure Ernie has posted the entire episode but, to allow easier discussion of the topic here, here is the clip:
Please don’t take my translation as an extremely faithful rendition of the clip, I skipped a few less important parts.
yeah, i learned about this too lately. been a fan of batsu geemu since the beginning.
if its going to be some ametalk style studio or such, well it just is not funny. but i still have some hopes matsumoto has some input and control over it
it is not possible that it will end like this! I do not believe it…
I hope it’s be another “Lip Service” like they did with Chono’s Slap back then…
will the show be posted??
i second this
I need to see the group every year!
Ernie has always posted whatever the Gaki guys screened so if there was really a show yesterday, he will.
Sadly nobody since the announcement made it 100% clear if there were to have a show or not. No Batsu for sure, but does it mean something else with the Gaki members instead, something else entirely or just nothing at all? I guess we’ll know today !
There was no Gaki-related New Year’s Eve show last night. It was replaced by a NYE comedy special featuring other comedians such as Ninety-Nine, Bananaman and Chidori.
Anyone has the TV-ratings for the show which was broadcasted instead of Gaki ?I’m curious to see if it’s worked well…
From Reddit:
Kouhaku Uta Gassen 34.3% lowest ever → down from 40.3%.
Warauoomisoka 7.2% → down from 17.6% from last year’s Go To Vegas.
RIZIN 33 (MMA & Kick Boxing) 7.4%
As the prior post noted, the ratings for the Nippon TV New Year’s Eve special were substantially lower than last year’s No Laughing special. That said, I don’t think it will have any bearing on whether they bring the show back as I think it was cancelled this year because of the difficulty and logistics of producing the show in the midst of a pandemic. I would imagine that if the situation improves this year, the show will likely return.
To be honest, and I hope I’m wrong, I feel like the Batsus on NTV are finished.
Not because they have a bad relationship with NTV or COVID, but rather because of the BPO guidelines over “getting hurt to get laughs”.
Chono Slaps? Gone, Thai Kicks? Gone, Bare slaps? Gone, and so on…
In the absolute best timeline they can go to Amazon with a similar/overtuned format.
Japanese TV has had way more extreme shows than any Gaki’s Batsu games. I think the guidelines were more targeted at those. Sadly, Batsu games got thrown out with the bathwater.
What could be a painless batsu?