[hide:1ox6e2qy]VS嵐 夏休み3時間SP 【コードブルー&ザキヤマ軍団と三つ巴! 嵐-1GPも】
[attachment=0:1ox6e2qy]VS ARASHI 2018-07-26 3HSP [720p60].zip[/attachment:1ox6e2qy][/hide:1ox6e2qy]
[hide:1ox6e2qy]VS嵐 夏休み3時間SP 【コードブルー&ザキヤマ軍団と三つ巴! 嵐-1GPも】
[attachment=0:1ox6e2qy]VS ARASHI 2018-07-26 3HSP [720p60].zip[/attachment:1ox6e2qy][/hide:1ox6e2qy]
With Code Blue cast and KenTackey, there’s too many good-looking people on the set. Ken-chan saying that they’re more junior than King & Prince, and then playing junior to Arashi, lol! YamaP talks about his love for Tackey again! Joined Johnny’s bc Tackey was so cool. The bowling thing, strikers or whatever, was tense!
I know I pick the wrong guy to say this to, but would it kill you to be a little cool, Komiya? He was funny, though, after they all made fun of Aiba. I was laughing so hard at that race to get the most "Thank Yous" said. That was pretty entertaining. Thank you for sharing, Ernie!