I was wondering if admin(s) of this page could upload some kind of an icon for a website?
Many people (including me) have multiple bookmarks in their browsers. One thing to handle them all is to remove names and leave icons only, but… Some pages don’t have them, and it would be awesome if someone could upload it.
This is what I mean: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/548 … okmark.jpg
I have this site bookmarked, and for some reason it has the Google icon.
I believe Firefox has an extention to do this manually, but I’m using Chrome. And besides, I think many people would appreciate it, anyway
Something like this? http://i.imgur.com/QUxi33P.png
I don’t know what it’s resolution is supposed to be…
or like this?
[quote="unos":215srnxz]or like this?
Well, that was placed in the frontpage after the Fukushima disaster. Perhaps the crown would look a bit messy within a tiny icon. Could anyone put the yellow "ga" star with a cyan/teal blue background to see the result?
Keep sending your suggestions!
Then maybe Mr Erhan can handle this issue
I hope I didn’t butcher these links.
I like the star
If you don’t know, the icon, however big, must be resized and will be displayed in 16x16 (32x32 in somebrowsers afaik) so putting more than 2 letters is not a good idea. "ga" would be fine, though.
Thanks for putting forward your ideas