Suiyobi no Downtown

  1. バレンタインの定番曲 むこう100年「バレンタイン・キッス」説
  2. さすがのヨネスケでもカメラなしでは晩ごはん食べさせてもらえない説
  3. 「箱の中身は何だろな?」クイズ王ならマジで当てられる説
  4. ジャイアント白田と篠原信一 そっくりだから なにかと互角説

I just started getting into Wednesday Downtown, so it’s nice to be able to catch up with the older shows. Thank you!

Thank you so much, Ernie! I started watching Suiyoubi no Downtown at the end of 2015, so everything before that is a complete mystery for me. Thanks again for uploading my favourite show! :inlove:

[quote="GGib":31vio99y]Thank you so much, Ernie! I started watching Suiyoubi no Downtown at the end of 2015, so everything before that is a complete mystery for me. Thanks again for uploading my favourite show! :inlove:[/quote:31vio99y]

That’s still a long time!! I started over summer so EVERY THING IS NEW TO ME. Gosh, I’m missing out on lots of great things.

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