Suiyobi no Downtown

  1. 街で「ファンなんです」と声かけてくるファンに限って たいしたファンじゃない説
  2. 新築で和式便所入れるヤツ マジで0人説
  3. 楽屋で小道具盗まれた芸人の営業 地獄説
  4. 歌うまスポーツマンNo.1決定戦

AYABEEEE omg I was so surprised to see him, though I shouldn’t be surprised since it was last year. They just found him randomly, that’s funny. I want to play that quiz game too!

The prank where they take a comedian’s stuff before they perform is so funny. It’s interesting to see what people will do impromptu. The mixed challenge brought tears to my eyes from laughing.