Suiyobi no Downtown: Everybody’s Theories Special
水曜日のダウンタウン: みんなの説SP

  1. 「お疲れさまでした」「お」と「した」さえ合っていれば間は何でもいける説
  2. 知恵の輪 知恵より結局腕力説
  3. サンシャイン池崎なら寝起きでもフルテンションで自己紹介出来る説
  4. 坊主のメガネ フチなし説
  5. 浮気現場写真 ホテルから全力疾走で出ればブレて正体バレない説
  6. SADSの「忘却の空」大友康平が歌ったら もう何がなんだか分からない説
  7. イクラ 10秒に1粒なら永遠に食える説
  8. iPhoneの着信音 隣の部屋で生演奏されたら ついつい自分の携帯見ちゃう説
  9. ハリセンボン春菜 じゃねーヤツの顔 全員合成したら ちゃんと春菜になる説
  10. 矢口真里 説教食らった後にカラオケで「恋のダンスサイト」歌われても さすがに「セクシービーム」入れづらい説
  11. クロちゃん 目隠し連行慣れ過ぎて一般人にやられても ついて行っちゃう説
  12. ワークマンと新日本ハウスの曲 いずれかを歌ったが最後 もう一方は2度と思い出せない説
  13. 卓球選手 ビンタ上手い説
  14. 往復ビンタ 復路 痛くない説
  15. 柴犬の名前 洋風にするヤツ マジで0人説
  16. 10回クイズ 氷室と10回言ったあと「布製」という文字を見たら思わず布袋と読んじゃう説
  17. 松野明美 ひったくり犯が逃げ込んだ先が陸上競技場だったらショートカットせず律儀にトラック回って追いかける説

thanks ernie

off topic: did gaki air this week?? its hard for me to keep up with the tv schedules as I do not know any japanese and bot translations are trash

[quote="grindorth":aoi2gmd0]thanks ernie

off topic: did gaki air this week?? its hard for me to keep up with the tv schedules as I do not know any japanese and bot translations are trash[/quote:aoi2gmd0]

It aired on 05.14. Maybe because Ernie thought it’s not a good episode (me too) he didn’t get it or share it. It’s an episode that interviews a trans (onee) talent whose name I can’t remember right now.

I can upload it if you want or anyone wants.

[quote="yoshiikuzo":1oqlwv6l][quote="grindorth":1oqlwv6l]thanks ernie

off topic: did gaki air this week?? its hard for me to keep up with the tv schedules as I do not know any japanese and bot translations are trash[/quote:1oqlwv6l]

It aired on 05.14. Maybe because Ernie thought it’s not a good episode (me too) he didn’t get it or share it. It’s an episode that interviews a trans (onee) talent whose name I can’t remember right now.

I can upload it if you want or anyone wants.[/quote:1oqlwv6l]

Please upload it, many thanks

[quote="samyuen1510":f038za3m][quote="yoshiikuzo":f038za3m][quote="grindorth":f038za3m]thanks ernie

off topic: did gaki air this week?? its hard for me to keep up with the tv schedules as I do not know any japanese and bot translations are trash[/quote:f038za3m]

It aired on 05.14. Maybe because Ernie thought it’s not a good episode (me too) he didn’t get it or share it. It’s an episode that interviews a trans (onee) talent whose name I can’t remember right now.

I can upload it if you want or anyone wants.[/quote:f038za3m]

Please upload it, many thanks[/quote:f038za3m]
yeah thanks dude upload it please
edit: it seems i received a message about it but its been since deleted