Suiyobi no Downtown

  1. 先生のモノマネ プロがやったら死ぬほど子供にウケる説
  2. ツッコミ 強ければ強いほど面白い説
  3. 店内BGM 有名曲が違う歌詞になっていても気付かない説
  4. 検尿のおしっこ持ってる時 人は無力説

I love you, ErnieYoung~!

Thanks as always Ernie. Also can i request the episode where downtown got into the quiz about themself against their fans? I forgot which episode it was but it definitely one of suiyoubi episodes.

[quote="oplover":1ppwybin]Thanks as always Ernie. Also can i request the episode where downtown got into the quiz about themself against their fans? I forgot which episode it was but it definitely one of suiyoubi episodes.[/quote:1ppwybin]
I second that, it’s from [b:1ppwybin]Suiyobi no Downtown 2-Hours SP 2016-04-20[/b:1ppwybin].

[quote="Gauna-03":2wc41su7][quote="oplover":2wc41su7]Thanks as always Ernie. Also can i request the episode where downtown got into the quiz about themself against their fans? I forgot which episode it was but it definitely one of suiyoubi episodes.[/quote:2wc41su7]
I second that, it’s from [b:2wc41su7]Suiyobi no Downtown 2-Hours SP 2016-04-20[/b:2wc41su7].[/quote:2wc41su7]
I have this video. Please wait.

Hi Ernie. any chance you could set up a new DL link? Thx. :$

[quote="baraetyzuk":1tyu26f9]Hi Ernie. any chance you could set up a new DL link? Thx. :$[/quote:1tyu26f9]
I updated the video link.

[quote="ErnieYoung":j0m0ijdc][quote="baraetyzuk":j0m0ijdc]Hi Ernie. any chance you could set up a new DL link? Thx. :$[/quote:j0m0ijdc]
I updated the video link.[/quote:j0m0ijdc]
thx much ^_^